The problem with that is that its not just some trope of fiction. Its our history. It was once gold, land, etc. You can't trademark reality. Hell, even to this day people in the world are displaced from their lands by mining operations. But aside from that, DWW was about a man who knew the inevitable, and it was reflection on what this country lost on the bullet train that was western expansion. Avatar on the other hand was about a man who took part in a revolution to prevent humanity from doing to another world what it did to itself. Avatar isn't about the inevitable. Its pure science fiction and fantasy, showing how humanities irresponsibility with what it already had, led it to commit the same sins against a world it had no right to and how they were rightfully rejected from that world. Its a pretty clear distinction between Historical fiction and Sci-Fi/Fantasy that I kinda find hard to ignore...
are these not out yet!
no more news!
whats going on Hot Toys!?
Their waiting on the 10th anniversary of the movie. Haven't ya heard?
Um, no.Whats bad about it? Is it not good?
I mean great visual masterpiece can trun a movie into masterpiece as well. Cant it?
Avatar revolutionised cinema. Fact!
we need figures not old discussions comparing movies! cmon hot toys! this sucks!
we need figures not old discussions comparing movies! cmon hot toys! this sucks!
HT has made it a bad habit to make collectors wait for a few things now...
First the Avatar...And now, Craperman, which was supposed to be 'coming' in 10 years.
I've officially lost interest int his.
1) DX06 Jack Sparrow deserves my money.
2) Navi in true 1/6 will look retarded on the shelf. Too big.
3) Can only expend so much energy staying excited about upcoming toys, and Superman and Burton's Batman take all I have.
4) Just don't care anymore. They waited too long.