Hot Toys - Batman 1966 Live-action TV Series - Batmobile

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Given the price of hulkbuster, I'd be afraid of what they'd decide to charge for the batmobile if they ever did release it. Hell, just the hulk figure is about 2/3 what I was expecting this thing to be. I wouldn't be surprised if it was upwards of 1k when they put it out.
I will still get this car even if the price is as high as HB. This is my icon, my dads icon the best superhero 1/6 they can possibly do. The HB movie hasn't even come out yet who knows it might suck for the 5-10 movie sequence. This will be a day one PO for me.
I am going to give this a few months before Ultron comes out. If no news comes out I'm going to use all my rewards points to that figure and forget about this. It has just been too long for anything to happen. My dream of having the Tumbler, 89 batmobile and this all together is a bust.
Really sad for hot toys not coming out and saying if this is a go or not already! Why all the secrecy? We will find out who shot JFK before we find out if its coming out or not.
They made an announcement when they canned the Green Lantern movie line. That was pretty much the only time.
A year ago a $750 Batmobile would've cost me $750. Now it'd cost me $1000. Falling dollar has priced me out of this if it ever comes.
Sadly, I am in the same boat Lejuan: if this doesn't drop for PO in a month or two, the Canadian $ will tank further, pushing this far above what I am willing to spend. As it is it will likely be just under $1K USD based on what Hulkbuster is priced at...
Ht's should take preorders with a moderately sized nrd and make as many ordered already so there is no stock sitting. I would pay around a grand for the 66 batmobile. I started collecting 1/6 after seeing pics of it being previewed.
i need this to be up for pre-order at least at the end of the year to make a decision.

@ebor and lejuan - who knows? maybe by the time this thing is up for PO the Can Dollar would have made a comeback. the calendar doesn't really say much as to whether we get some news in 2015. Right now, i see it more as a carrot at the end of a long stick...
Well the bright side is it's the US dollar that has strengthened, not the CAD and AUD that have weakened. That's gotta make it cheaper right? Right?
i need this to be up for pre-order at least at the end of the year to make a decision.

@ebor and lejuan - who knows? maybe by the time this thing is up for PO the Can Dollar would have made a comeback. the calendar doesn't really say much as to whether we get some news in 2015. Right now, i see it more as a carrot at the end of a long stick...

...and we know where that stick is
Everything on that list is stuff that's already been put up for PO so it wouldn't be on there yet. Plus, even if it was put up for PO today the earliest we'd see it would be late 2016--more than likely not til 2017.
Um, guys -- this is NOT in the HT 2015-16 release schedule. :slap Only good news is we don't know the HT PO scherdule for this year so maybe, just maybe this COULD be released later in 16 at the earliest.

And that tells us nothing. The Aliens power loading aint on it. Neither is Batman Returns or Hot Rod or half the figures from AoU.

We have to take these list with a grain of salt...its probably HTs best guess :huh Who knows...
My point was the earliest we could see this is late 2016 and I agree this updated schedule doesn't tell us anything about future POs. :wink1: