Action Figure Hot Toys Batman Begins 1/6 or 1/4, DX or MMS, Wishlist General Discussion

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Would you get a Hot Toys Batman Begins DX?

  • Yes

    Votes: 166 62.9%
  • Yes (Not pleased with my 2011 TF Version)

    Votes: 26 9.8%
  • No (No interest)

    Votes: 45 17.0%
  • No (Pleased with my 2011 TF Version)

    Votes: 27 10.2%

  • Total voters
Re: Should Hot Toys revisit Batman Begins and what would you like to see?

I've seen people on new reveal threads who comment with a pass coz the next one will be betterer. Chasing the ****ing rainbow like ocd crazies :lol
Re: Should Hot Toys revisit Batman Begins and what would you like to see?

I call BS on any of your Nolan Batman wants and desires.

Instead of wishing away for characters that have been done, how about ones that haven't been done by anyone. I'd rather see that brilliant Hot Toys Charles Xavier that they squandered than another ****ing Bale Batman. Cillian Murphy in a business suit? How about Magneto? Another Two-Face, huh? The first one sold like crap, what makes people think a new one would be a hit or that Hot Toys would even knock it out of the park. A 2.0 would most likely entail a repainted head, ala armory Bruce and Bank Robbin' Joker.

You're telling me you pine for these type of things that already exist when these companies could be making a cool Quicksilver figure?

I call BS on you calling BS on my wants and desires!

Because of how well this line sells, it paves the way for Hot Toys to make figures from other franchises such as the X-Men franchise, I'm sure getting Jennifer
Lawrence, Hugh Jackman's likeness rights is quite expensive, especially since they have to to get everyone individually. TDK, Iron Man, Predator, Terminator all help fund that.

Believe me, if there was actually more interest shown in the X-Men line, Hot Toys would have given us more than just Wolverine by now, but it's not that popular which is why I understand Hot Toys not pushing out X-Men figures.

Like I said before, once the DC cinematic universe takes off, we won't be seeing much of TDK series anymore, so I have no problem with pushing these out, and I hope they make some of the figures I want before it too late.

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Re: Should Hot Toys revisit Batman Begins and what would you like to see?

Well it will never be good enough because people's attention spans are out of whack. Here we are on the eve of a Bale Batman release, a great value set and people are speculating/wanting more. It makes me sick and I'm surprised someone that's been here for as long as I have been actually wants to see more too. Let's get all hyped up and say, yeah, "Hot Toys is making a new 4.0 Begins Batman, a 4.0 Joker, a 2.0 Two-Face, a 2.0 Scarecrow, and yes, a 5.0 TDK suit Batman!", that still wouldn't be enough. They'd still have little flaws that would have people wanting a redo. There would still be newbs coming in and complaining that they "missed out". It doesn't seem like anyone actually enjoy these figures, it's always looking into the future and seeing what new "upgraded" Batman item can be done. The whole line is pretty well rounded in my opinion, you have all the key players, all of Batman's gear, both his suits, multiple Jokers, 4 friggin vehicles, interrogation and armory props, side characters, etc. If that isn't enough for people, it will never be enough.

Also what DX Terminator could they possibly make at this point? Again, we're on the eve of the Police Shootout being released and DX 13 isn't even a year old. Do you guys really want to be buying the same character perpetually for the rest of the hobby? How is that not boring? Guys like Robocop, Kyle Reese, ED-209, Rocky and Rambo I can see, they haven't had updated figures for almost a decade. They're from an era before the Iron Man and Batman days, and these improvements in craftsman ship. No other company really attempts them in 1/6 scale either. But the world of Nolan Batman? There has been a Batman and Joker in constant rotation for almost every year! All these other toy companies are producing obscure characters from the series. When will people be satisfied. It's funny looking at some people's collections and you see the different generations of Batman, Joker and Iron Man, through the years that they've ultimately bought, resold, and rev ought and sold again. Yet there they are, still looking for that new version of a character they've bought multiple times. It just doesn't make sense.

Seems like the more there is, the more people want and the least satisfied they are. I think that's one of the main reasons I stripped my Nolan Batman collection to just TDK Batman and TDK Joker. You guys have just killed the mood. I still remember when we were all satisfied with this,

View attachment 132823

Now several exclusives, MMS, DX, deluxe packs, and characters later and it's still not enough. We used to laugh about "DX 2.0s", "definitive we-swear-this-is-the-bestest-Batman-Joker-ever" and Morgan Freeman dolls, but now we're dead serious about em'

I'm perfectly content with both 1/4 Batman figures I own, most of the 1/6 Batman figures have been underwhelming.

Do you see people hoping and praying that Hot Toys make another 1/4 TDK Batman?

I don't.

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Re: Should Hot Toys revisit Batman Begins and what would you like to see?

I'm perfectly content with both 1/4 Batman figures I own, most of the 1/6 Batman figures have been underwhelming.

Do you see people hoping and praying that Hot Toys make another 1/4 TDK Batman?

I don't.

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This man has a point, DiFabio. If HT would be more focused on getting their releases right than getting them out, I'm willing to bet you'd see a lot less of these threads. Take that QS Batman, for example. I'm sure it had some issues, as there's no such thing as a perfect figure, but the faceplates, the suit, the headsculpts; everything was so vastly improved over the prototype that any small things that may have been wrong with it slipped through the cracks. I think some people said his head shape was odd from the side on the cowled versions, to which I said, "he looks great from the front, so, who cares?" Now look at the DX 12. Between the announcement and the release date, that was in people's hands in less than 6 months, and there was nothing about him that was remotely improved. The faceplates were terrible, the cowl was far too round, and the eyes were popping out of his head.

Suddenly, you get the specs for the Armory, and you think, "wow, this might be the one," but, yet again, they half ass it. The cowl is the same, except they resculpted the eyes, and, as we joked about, the only faceplate that looks good doesn't even really look like Bale, it's just because it looks like an actual, normal human being that it seems like a breath of fresh air, but, still, when you look at the Quarter Scale figure and how people reacted to it, is that not the perfect roadmap for 1/6th? I mean, hell, I think Howard said it was the figure he was most proud of from last year or something, and, don't get me wrong, the armory looks like an awesome set, but how difficult would it have really been for them to make something with that same level of pride in their product that they had with the QS?
Re: Should Hot Toys revisit Batman Begins and what would you like to see?

Re: Should Hot Toys revisit Batman Begins and what would you like to see?

What did you not like about the enterbay version? Just curious.

oh no i dont have one. im thinking of buying one but i keep telling myself... just wait for the hot toys version and im hoping it's something theyre planning right now...

plus i guess since its newer, it will be better in terms of articulation, and maybe even the bruce way headsculpt
Re: Should Hot Toys revisit Batman Begins and what would you like to see?

But none of these figures are perfect, from any line, that's my point. We've all become spoiled brats that bide their time for more.

Anyway, good then, let's encourage Hot Toys to keep making Nolan Batman Collectibles that are a little bit better, so they do it forever. Between that and Iron Man, you can bet that more niche licenses like The Godfathers, the Crows, the Platoons, the Inglorious Basterds, or the 60s Batman figures become less and less frequent. I sure could go for a new 2.0 Bane and Selina Catwoman now, the other ones are just too old and don't hold up to Hot Toys' current standards. I missed out on DX 11 Joker, I can't wait for the next one. It's been forever since him or Batman have been out.

You said yourself that they should never make a Godfather 2.0. STOP TOYING WITH ME!
Re: Should Hot Toys revisit Batman Begins and what would you like to see?

But none of these figures are perfect, from any line, that's my point. We've all become spoiled brats that bide their time for more.

Anyway, good then, let's encourage Hot Toys to keep making Nolan Batman Collectibles that are a little bit better, so they do it forever. Between that and Iron Man, you can bet that more niche licenses like The Godfathers, the Crows, the Platoons, the Inglorious Basterds, or the 60s Batman figures become less and less frequent. I sure could go for a new 2.0 Bane and Selina Catwoman now, the other ones are just too old and don't hold up to Hot Toys' current standards. I missed out on DX 11 Joker, I can't wait for the next one. It's been forever since him or Batman have been out.

That's just it, though. People aren't asking for perfect, they're just asking that HT actually put some effort into it. Why is it that stuff like Keaton and West and, hell, even the QS look so good on the first try, but the 1/6th Nolan stuff doesn't? Is it because they can't do it? I don't think so. I think it's just because they don't care enough to, because they know that people will buy whatever they put out, regardless. It's not just Batman, either. Look at Marty McFly, Robocop, or, on an even lower note, Tonto. They seem to put more effort into niche properties than they do with their blockbusters for the simple fact that they need to make up for the fact that they're niche properties. Do you think people would buy a bug eyed, derpy Tonto? Hell no. Hell, barely anybody's buying him anyway, but, at the same time, I see your point. The same people who want Nolan Batman are the reason it's only "passable," instead of excellent. It's like an endless cycle.

Perhaps we should leave it alone, and, someday, be it when Affleck, or some other Batman, becomes the most popular, they'll do the Nolan Batman Justice for the same reason they did all the other Batmen Justice: it'll be a niche license.
Should Hot Toys revisit Batman Begins and what would you like to see?

While I'm a big fan of the trilogy, I don't just don't blindly buy these figures, which is why the armory Batman will be my first 1/6 TDK Batman, I won't be getting the the bundle with Bruce Wayne because I think that head sculpt looks like crap, repaint or no repaint.

Now if we're talking about just blindly buying from franchises you love even thought the figure isn't up to par with what we know HT is capable of, then I can understand. I'm a huge fan of the X-Men films and I don't own one Wolverine figure yet

While I'm a fan of of the series, I won't be buying crappy figures.

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Re: Should Hot Toys revisit Batman Begins and what would you like to see?

Like Batman and the Joker, newbie collectors and veteran collectors are destined to argue figure releases with each other forever.


As long as new guys continue to enter the hobby, you're going to have collectors who aren't satisfied with previous offerings or aren't willing to pay premium for an older figure.

And veteran collectors will continue to grow more disillusioned because that's what grizzled, world-weary veterans do. They've "seen it all before."

I hate the phrase, but it is what is is.

And if you're a longtime collector clamoring for sidebar, secondary characters from Hot Toys, don't put your money on it. HT is at the top of the 1/6 mountain, it's position has never been more secure. And companies that are on top are a lot more risk-averse.
Re: Should Hot Toys revisit Batman Begins and what would you like to see?

As long as new guys continue to enter the hobby, you're going to have collectors who aren't satisfied with previous offerings or aren't willing to pay premium for an older figure.

I think it's simple then. We kill the newbs.
Re: Should Hot Toys revisit Batman Begins and what would you like to see?

Well it will never be good enough because people's attention spans are out of whack. Here we are on the eve of a Bale Batman release, a great value set and people are speculating/wanting more. It makes me sick and I'm surprised someone that's been here for as long as I have been actually wants to see more too. Let's get all hyped up and say, yeah, "Hot Toys is making a new 4.0 Begins Batman, a 4.0 Joker, a 2.0 Two-Face, a 2.0 Scarecrow, and yes, a 5.0 TDK suit Batman!", that still wouldn't be enough. They'd still have little flaws that would have people wanting a redo. There would still be newbs coming in and complaining that they "missed out". It doesn't seem like anyone actually enjoy these figures, it's always looking into the future and seeing what new "upgraded" Batman item can be done. The whole line is pretty well rounded in my opinion, you have all the key players, all of Batman's gear, both his suits, multiple Jokers, 4 friggin vehicles, interrogation and armory props, side characters, etc. If that isn't enough for people, it will never be enough.

Also what DX Terminator could they possibly make at this point? Again, we're on the eve of the Police Shootout being released and DX 13 isn't even a year old. Do you guys really want to be buying the same character perpetually for the rest of the hobby? How is that not boring? Guys like Robocop, Kyle Reese, ED-209, Rocky and Rambo I can see, they haven't had updated figures for almost a decade. They're from an era before the Iron Man and Batman days, and these improvements in craftsman ship. No other company really attempts them in 1/6 scale either. But the world of Nolan Batman? There has been a Batman and Joker in constant rotation for almost every year! All these other toy companies are producing obscure characters from the series. When will people be satisfied. It's funny looking at some people's collections and you see the different generations of Batman, Joker and Iron Man, through the years that they've ultimately bought, resold, and rev ought and sold again. Yet there they are, still looking for that new version of a character they've bought multiple times. It just doesn't make sense.

Seems like the more there is, the more people want and the least satisfied they are. I think that's one of the main reasons I stripped my Nolan Batman collection to just TDK Batman and TDK Joker. You guys have just killed the mood. I still remember when we were all satisfied with this,

View attachment 132823

Now several exclusives, MMS, DX, deluxe packs, and characters later and it's still not enough. We used to laugh about "DX 2.0s", "definitive we-swear-this-is-the-bestest-Batman-Joker-ever" and Morgan Freeman dolls, but now we're dead serious about em'

I just don't get why you're so angry about this. You're pretty much spamming this thread with vitriol. If you don't want something, don't buy it. If Hot Toys make it, they'll be making it because they're pretty sure they can make a load of money off it. That's the only reason they make anything. If they choose to make this it won't stop them making anything else - those things will get made if they can make them money, and won't if they won't.

And the stuff about newbs is pretty offensive. I haven't been around these parts much for years but I used to post here before you were a member; and I can remember posting on the pro boards, under another username, back in 2002! You've been a member for exactly half as long as I've been reading this forum. I could say that it's newbs like you who give the impression of wanting to make the hobby a club.

The fact is, there has been one great 1/6 OC Batman release - MMS67 - six whole years ago; another in 2011 that had numerous QC issues and didn't look as good, which is now three years old. Even if they announced something this year it wouldn't come out until around this time next year. This is one of the greatest looks of one of the greatest characters ever, why shouldn't 'newbs' have the chance to buy it, or for anyone to update their collection if HT were to make this a great release, and a DX?

The armoury set has been a great way for me to get back into collecting by giving me the chance to buy, at retail, probably the best ever 1/6 Batman figure. I'd love to have that chance with the Begins suit. Sorry if that makes you sincerely imagine Howard shouting 'Cancel Quicksilver and the Kyle Reese DX! Throw the prototypes in the furnace! I want you to make me another Batman Begins figure, now!
Re: Should Hot Toys revisit Batman Begins and what would you like to see?

If I were a new collector with $$$ to burn, I'd be amazed by all previous Batman figures, even the older ones.

I keep seeing, "well I missed out and I want to try and score a Batman or Joker that isn't marked up like the secondary market prices", but then when a new one comes out, it IS marked up. :lol Want Armory Batman because you think that old, cruddy DX 12 is too outdated and too expensive? Well, be prepared to pay $384 for the new one. Oh, you missed out on Bank Robber back in '08 (and later when it was going for pennies) and scoffed at the $250-$300 price tag on ebay? Well, Hot Toys has good news for you, a "new" Bank Robber Joker for $300!

That's the power of the mind my friend, the power of the mind.

Some people equate old with bad, new with good. Some people equate HT with quality, other, smaller companies with inferiority. Some who own a crappy figure will defend it to the very end, because they don't want to be thought a fool.
Re: Should Hot Toys revisit Batman Begins and what would you like to see?

The armory will be my first and only nolan batman i need in my collection.

i enjoyed the movies well enough and im a huge all things bats family.

but its time to move on.
Re: Should Hot Toys revisit Batman Begins and what would you like to see?

I don't understand this whole, "It's time to move on," sentiment. Hot Toys will move on when it's damn good and ready to move on. And as long as people continue to buy Nolan Batman stuff, it ain't movin' on anytime soon.
Re: Should Hot Toys revisit Batman Begins and what would you like to see?

I don't understand this whole, "It's time to move on," sentiment. Hot Toys will move on when it's damn good and ready to move on. And as long as people continue to buy Nolan Batman stuff, it ain't movin' on anytime soon.

Sure. Why should anyone move on from something they like? Its bizarre and arrogant.

'Hey, you! The Star Wars fan! Yeah, you! ****ing stop loving Star Wars and start loving Marvel! Ya hear me?'

Think I'll drive by some Star Trek forums and tell those idiots to stop being Trekkies. I mean, how dare they?
Re: Should Hot Toys revisit Batman Begins and what would you like to see?

They're talking about toys though, not the love of movies.

I do think Star Wars as a whole has been pretty excessive. Now that Hot Toys has glommed up on it, I'm sure it will get even more obnoxious.

Do you think pop culture is really your thing?
Re: Should Hot Toys revisit Batman Begins and what would you like to see?

If Hot Toys made a completely new 'Begins' Batman that looks as good as Enterbay's 1/4, I'd replace my TDK version.