Hot Toys Batman V. Superman Dawn of Justice Speculation Thread

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I agree we wont get all of the SS crew, but i think Harley/Joker and Deadshot are a pretty solid promise i'd say.

And i most certainly think we will get the trio from Supes, maybe even a Lex, the movie will no doubt be huge and the collectors market will be there.
And yet the DX line is dead and buried and Iron Man is still going strong! Iron Man didn't need a "deluxe" moniker with movable eyes or a light up base to sell em'. Besides, Iron Man is in pretty much every other line subset category they've created. MMS, Die Cast, busts, Diorama, Power Pose, 1/4, you name it, he's in it.

Speaking of 1/4, like the DX line, I always assumed Hot Toys intention for that line was iconic characters spanning from different films. What happened to the teased QS Police Shootout T-800 from T1? Are they ever going to make a QS Keaton Batman like the announcement from 2012 stated? After QS baby Groot, 2 Iron Man figures and more Star Wars on the way I have a feeling the quarter scale series got hijacked and all we'll see is Disney licensed memorabilia now.

We were naive to think the QS line would be anything other than what it looks like it's becoming. :lol
I don't see how Fabio was wrong? We are getting iconic characters from different films. Vader from Star Wars 2, Boba Fett from Star Wars 3, Iron Man from Avengers 2, Iron Man from Iron Man 3. We'll probably get Iron Men from several other films before all is said and done. I also wouldn't be shocked to see a 1/4 scale Han Solo from the new Star Wars movie.
And yet the DX line is dead and buried and Iron Man is still going strong! Iron Man didn't need a "deluxe" moniker with movable eyes or a light up base to sell em'. Besides, Iron Man is in pretty much every other line subset category they've created. MMS, Die Cast, busts, Diorama, Power Pose, 1/4, you name it, he's in it.

Speaking of 1/4, like the DX line, I always assumed Hot Toys intention for that line was iconic characters spanning from different films. What happened to the teased QS Police Shootout T-800 from T1? Are they ever going to make a QS Keaton Batman like the announcement from 2012 stated? After QS baby Groot, 2 Iron Man figures and more Star Wars on the way I have a feeling the quarter scale series got hijacked and all we'll see is Disney licensed memorabilia now.

I was discussing the same thing, today. It seems more and more likely that the QS 001 was the exception to the rule, rather than the rule itself, and I can't help but find their choices...questionable, to say the least. I think the MK XLIII looks great (because it's one of my favorite suit designs), but, with that being said, even though I enjoyed it quite a bit, Age of Ultron really doesn't seem to have had the lasting impact that its predecessor did.

I'm really surprised by the fact that they went with these suits, rather than his two, proven, iconic appearances: The MK III from Iron Man, or the MK VII from The Avengers. The same thing goes for the Star Wars stuff. Boba Fett, for example. The skiff base is cool and all, but it's kind of hilarious that they choose the film where he becomes a glorified red shirt, rather than the film where he is triumphant over pretty much everybody, as the source material for a figure, and the same goes for Vader. Empire? Jedi? Nope. Return of the Sith.

The only way I could see them making these decisions is if they were trying to grab the impulse buyers with the weakest iterations, so that they could double dip for the superior versions, later. That really sucks because it seems to run counter to everything we thought the line would stand for when Batman was released.
Look at how the mk3 DC is being received. Just beciase it's a popular armor doesn't mean it will sell well. Aou just came out. In theaters in Asia a month ago. The hype for it is light years ahead of any other current marvel movie(save ant-man). It's current. So why not ride that free advertising. Free product awareness. Especially if the suits are not iconic. If they are not, then when else are they going to sell better then now?

And to hold it against hot toys to do a 1/4 scale of its most popular and fastest and highest volume sales character is just not understanding business. The pace for SW is five times that of iron man. They are showing off a 1/6 MF and a future possible for sale 1/6 tie fighter. I don't see a quinjet or Starks mansion. But I'm not mad at those that are getting the things they want. It's interest and sales driven. If a 1/4 endo and a 1/4 batman and a 1/6 batmobile did great sales then they would make more. They are not going to pooh pooh a great seller on the off chance something else may sell. But they will try out something else if the previous item is a mid level seller or poor seller. To try and find that next top seller. They make iron man beucase they can and do sell it at a good margin, great margin even. It's not some comic industrial complex holding the man down. It's business.
Just give me Bat, armored Bat, WW, Harley and Joker. I dont care if HT release another 100+ Ironman suits
We'll probably get a Superman figure that uses the same sculpt as the first MOS figure, just with different hair.
Look at how the mk3 DC is being received. Just beciase it's a popular armor doesn't mean it will sell well. Aou just came out. In theaters in Asia a month ago. The hype for it is light years ahead of any other current marvel movie(save ant-man). It's current. So why not ride that free advertising. Free product awareness. Especially if the suits are not iconic. If they are not, then when else are they going to sell better then now?

And to hold it against hot toys to do a 1/4 scale of its most popular and fastest and highest volume sales character is just not understanding business. The pace for SW is five times that of iron man. They are showing off a 1/6 MF and a future possible for sale 1/6 tie fighter. I doon't see a quinjet or Starks mansion. But I'm not mad at those that are getting the things they want. It's interest and sales driven. If a 1/4 endo and a 1/4 batman and a 1/6 batmobile did great sales then they would make more. They are not going to pooh pooh a great seller on the off chance something else may sell. But they will try out something else if the previous item is a mid level seller or poor seller. To try and find that next top seller. They make iron man beucase they can and do sell it at a good margin, great margin even. It's not some comic industrial complex holding the man down. It's business.

I never said I held it against them. It was just an observation. For all intents and purposes, the QS 001 was not a great move, financially. You look at the 1/6th scale line-up, comparatively; there is always room for improvement. With the QS, though, there was none of that. Sure, there were some minor complaints, like "the back of his head is too sloped and it doesn't look like an actual human head could fit in that cowl," but there was, really, nothing that would make a second release necessary, other than just a straight-up re-release to make more money. They included everything they could possibly include from the two films it appeared in, they left no real room for improvement, in terms of the quality of the likeness and paint, and so on, and so forth.

The line just went in a different direction than we were expecting, based on those first few releases. Like DiFabio said, the first three that we saw were TDK Batman, the T-800 Endo from T2, and, as far as teasers go, the Police Shootout T-800 from T1. All three of those are iconic. The execution of the two that were released, as well as the incredibly slow output of 1/4 Scale stuff, led us to believe that this was something special that would be above the typical "what's hot" BS that we had known all too well from the 1/6th side of things, but, alas, that was not meant to be, as we're getting Vaders from the PT, Baby Groots, and Iron Men from an Avengers movie that, to many people, was just "okay."
No sure on Harley or Joker yet but please give me Supes and the Bat. Love Nolan trilogy but not in love with the batman costume. Affleck's one is much more to my liking.
HT DC display at ACGHK 2015



We really need to see more ArKham and Returns stuff
I know HT is selling the torso design but have to admit not a fan of the Returns pose

I wouldn't even call that a pose. It looks like the four of them were thrown in a box after SDCC, then pulled out and thrown back up for this show. The hand is probably still back in San Diego on the hall floors somewhere.

Why even bother showing them, they don't care there.