Hot Toys Batman V. Superman Dawn of Justice Speculation Thread

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these are my most anticipated HT figs of 2016. Even more so than Star Wars or Marvel. I just hope there are some cool character surprises in the movie.
I have a lot I am anticipating, however my most anticipated is Wonder Woman.

I'm also looking forward to Superman, Rey (from SW), Sharon Carter & Scarlet Witch (from Civil War)
Those mattel paint just horrible :lol

Everyone has their own preference, BvS HT is most anticipated since I am DC fan and never was SW fan
I have a lot I am anticipating, however my most anticipated is Wonder Woman.

I'm also looking forward to Superman, Rey (from SW), Sharon Carter & Scarlet Witch (from Civil War)

I really hope they nail it. I'm afraid cause she has exposed shoulders. What are the chances we get sculpted hair. I despise rooted Barbie doll hair
Most anticipated from this film; Batman, simply because I have always loved the Dark Knight... whether its his normal or armoured look remains to be seen.

Throwing in SW and CW like everyone else probably Phasma and Agent 13 who since thinking about it the last couple of days has overtaken the new beefier looking War Machine and Black Widow.
I felt slightly envious that Marvel fans could put together a HT Avengers, so Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman are definite buys for me... I'm really hoping Aquaman gets made too! Then fingers crossed we get Cyborg and Flash from the Justice League film... and dare we hope GL is in there aswell?
I'm down for Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman from this line. Armoured Bats and any other characters will depend on price/design/their roles in the film but the trinity is a must buy.
She is going to be so awesome. I hope HT nails her sculpt and doesn't give her dead eyes/stare...


I felt slightly envious that Marvel fans could put together a HT Avengers, so Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman are definite buys for me... I'm really hoping Aquaman gets made too! Then fingers crossed we get Cyborg and Flash from the Justice League film... and dare we hope GL is in there aswell?
Man you read my mind were the hell is GL ? I know he is not on BvS , but they have not mentioned casting him for justice League dam them he better play a role in the upcoming movie.
Man, I hope they don't change the characters' costumes with every film release like Marvel seems to be doing. I know it's great for merchandising but it kills my bank account. I wonder if they'll release Aquaman in the DoJ line? I don't know if I can wait until 2018.
Man, I hope they don't change the characters' costumes with every film release like Marvel seems to be doing. I know it's great for merchandising but it kills my bank account. I wonder if they'll release Aquaman in the DoJ line? I don't know if I can wait until 2018.

They will. Look no further then every sequel ever made. Always some kind of costume change. Supermans suit is updated from mos to BvS, and batman has at least three suits in this film.
The good news is from what we have seen his suit in whatever capacity he appears in Suicide Squad looks the same.

I think even if his regular suit stays the same in every appearance we will see alt suits and different bits of tech meaning new figures will be produced.

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Remember even if it is the same suit hot toys will make it with new techniques or tweaks depending of the new ways to make at that time. For example the different same TDK suits.
They will. Look no further then every sequel ever made. Always some kind of costume change. Supermans suit is updated from mos to BvS, and batman has at least three suits in this film.


I think even if his regular suit stays the same in every appearance we will see alt suits and different bits of tech meaning new figures will be produced.

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I concur.

Even if his standard suit stays essentially the same, I think DC will make him (Bruce Wayne) somewhat into their own version of Stark and he will be developing and testing new, alternate suits and technology.