got my DX13s yesterday. hated the figures out of the box for 2 hours. then some corrections here and there - and DX10 looks so fake, dollish now. nice work HT, expecially when the bloody painter is fired.
endo eye and endo cheek sculpting looks cheap. big step back. even no 4 turning mechanisms in the eye socket, that's a total shame. they can be done even in home custom projects.
p.s. 13 is so giant next to 10. cannot understand why. like his body is huger.
p.p.s. endo eye is significantly lower than human eye. i made same mistake with my T1 BD )))
photos later. made some yesterday, turned out ****ty.
Congrats P
I kinda thought you already had the dx13 for some reason, glad to hear you like it.....I think you like you like it