Hot Toys - Iron Man 2:Mark IV Limited Edition spec

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Yeah, your absolutely right. That wasn't meant as a knock on Sideshow at all. It's just been disappointing to find out it got delayed twice, even though it was no fault of Sideshow.

I feel for ya man. I've been dying for these Iron Man figures since I saw them at Comic-Con.
hello... i wanna share some of my poor pics... :)



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The Mark 3 bd ..has a tiny waist,his legs are to thin, a long neck, huge ball joints at the top of his legs,large gaps beetween the arms and the torso , his flip up faceplate head is somehow thinner then the light up head ..and the flaps on his back are also not flush with his back.

...and he is disappointed with the IV?:slap
I would have to agree that the BD MIII is far from perfect. But I still love it!

One or two defects I can handle.

Don't get me wrong i also love the BDM3 ..but it's full of flaws(not flaws in finish but in design) and seeing this guy praise that figure and give the iv a bad review is ridiculous!:cuckoo:

..i did the neck mod to me bdm3, it makes it waaaay better:)
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The Mark 3 bd ..has a tiny waist,his legs are to thin, a long neck, huge ball joints at the top of his legs,large gaps beetween the arms and the torso , his flip up faceplate head is somehow thinner then the light up head ..and the flaps on his back are also not flush with his back.

...and he is disappointed with the IV?:slap

I take it you didn't buy the mark III then? I hate the long neck and would have liked to see the BD head light up overall it is a great figure.

I wanted to watch his video before commenting however there is just some thing so boring about his videos I couldn't watch it to the end.
Well there are two reasons for that. 1: Michael Crawford doesn't usually have Hot Toys reviews, they are guest reviews usually done by Wookster. 2: Michael Crawford when he does HT reviews gets them from Sideshow so he wouldn't have it until they do.
I take it you didn't buy the mark III then? I hate the long neck and would have liked to see the BD head light up overall it is a great figure.

I wanted to watch his video before commenting however there is just some thing so boring about his videos I couldn't watch it to the end.

yeah one of the worst reviews ive ever tried to watch, put some enthusiasm in your voice for gods im so tired of people losing their heads over the most minor paint app mishaps, its IMPOSSIBLE to have every figure that comes out of a factory be absolutly perfect. every single toy i have i can find something tiny wrong with it, him pointing to the little knick on the back of the neck? give me a break. i understand these are expensive, but those little mishaps are just things you have to expect from a figure that is coming out of a factory, if you want a perfect figure you have to make it by hand. thats all i got. im ready for everyone to go ape on me now because of how expensive these figures are and how they should be perfect,,, annnnd go.
yeah one of the worst reviews ive ever tried to watch, put some enthusiasm in your voice for gods im so tired of people losing their heads over the most minor paint app mishaps, its IMPOSSIBLE to have every figure that comes out of a factory be absolutly perfect. every single toy i have i can find something tiny wrong with it, him pointing to the little knick on the back of the neck? give me a break. i understand these are expensive, but those little mishaps are just things you have to expect from a figure that is coming out of a factory, if you want a perfect figure you have to make it by hand. thats all i got. im ready for everyone to go ape on me now because of how expensive these figures are and how they should be perfect,,, annnnd go.

You should check out the warmachine thread someone posted his warmachine review and he ripped the torso of the legs :slap
and he did some stupid modification to his T-800(T2).
You should check out the warmachine thread someone posted his warmachine review and he ripped the torso of the legs :slap
and he did some stupid modification to his T-800(T2).

hahaha brilliant. i bet that was hot toys fault too, for not making the figures out of indestructible materials. "i cant believe this joint doesnt bend every which way i want it to!" SNAP
You should check out the warmachine thread someone posted his warmachine review and he ripped the torso of the legs :slap
and he did some stupid modification to his T-800(T2).

Its from the Same guy who done the iv review we were just talking about ,Johnnyr2525.