Hot Toys - Iron Man 2:Mark IV Limited Edition spec

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I'm so angry with UPS right now.. My IM mk IV was in town and marked as 'out for delivery' at 5:10 am yesterday morning so I waited at my house ALL DAY and was reassured that he'd certainly arrive before 8pm. I gave up after 9pm when the tracking info finally updated giving me a new scheduled delivery date (today). Of course UPS delivers it twenty minutes after I go to work and left him sitting on my door step! Since when do they leave $200 packages sitting around?!? Naturally, as soon as I saw the tracking update I furiously snuck out of my store and went home to rescue him. Now I'm waiting til 7 when I can go open this guy.

P.S. Over two years ago I pre-ordered the first HT Mark III on eBay which never showed up and it was over a year before I got my money back. Sorry, I just wanted to _____...
Oh yeah another thing and this is my only complaint, the braking flaps won't go all the way down. I'm thinking about putting some double sided scotch tape to keep them down. Wasn't really gonna use the flaps anyways.
Oh yeah another thing and this is my only complaint, the braking flaps won't go all the way down. I'm thinking about putting some double sided scotch tape to keep them down. Wasn't really gonna use the flaps anyways.

Try to reposition them again. Mine was not going all the way down either but then at some point I adjusted something and it fell into place and now stays down flat.



Is everyone seeing light bleed through the plastic on the hands and face mask when the LED's are on?
I never imagined the doily would travel outdoors. :panic:

Oh yeah!! Been trying to do that more but with winter that can be an issue. :lol hope these pics show the piece off a bit better than my last set.

Edit: I'm gonna try and take the doily with me to comic-con this year. :lol