Hot Toys Iron Man Mark 1 re-release

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Can't help but add my 2 cents to the general discussion for this thread. It makes me sad that there is so much negativity towards the release of this figure without any solid information being available apart from the fact that it will be soon available. People saying that their original figure will be sub par or obsolete is pretty harsh imo, i mean how different could the new one possibly be that it would make a person look at their old one at not love it as much as they did before this announcement? As far as it being a limited edition, as far as i know these figures don't have edition sizes, they don't have No. 279/5000 on their base/box and correct me if i'm wrong but they don't come with a certificate of authenticity to state that it is a limited edition collectable. So what are they limited to??? I mean seriously does it anger people that much to know that there will be more people out there buying/enjoying/displaying these figures in their homes? Also the after market price will drop, and people are upset because they wanted to sell their figure for big bucks. Well as far as i know, investing your money in anything can be risky and you have to follow the markets pretty closely so you know when to buy and when to sell. Collectables are no different in my opinion. As i keep on telling my brother, it never stops. There's always something coming out, there's new companies popping up so on and so forth. So if you bought the original at retail i'm sure you can get you're money back if you wanted to trade up for the new one, if you bought in the after market at bloated prices then that was your choice to pay that money. I'd like to go on but i think that's enough for now.
The wolverine fakes appeared before the Mark 1 fakes and HT hasn't re-released him (and shouldn't), so it shouldn't become a trend of theirs to remake fakes.
The wolverine fakes appeared before the Mark 1 fakes and HT hasn't re-released him (and shouldn't), so it shouldn't become a trend of theirs to remake fakes.

Why not, no offense, but its an chance to get back some of those sales its a business after all. How else can they hope to stop them.
Why not, no offense, but its an chance to get back some of those sales its a business after all. How else can they hope to stop them.

Because they could do a different version, isnt it obvious. Bone Claws Mercenary or X-Costume, why make the same one over again?

It wouldn't stop the fakers anyway, just like you cant stop scalpers.
Or they may be waiting for The Wolverine to come out so they can release a new figure, but if that's the case they're going to be waiting awhile.
Because they could do a different version, isnt it obvious. Bone Claws Mercenary or X-Costume, why make the same one over again?

It wouldn't stop the fakers anyway, just like you cant stop scalpers.

Well X costume that would require a new movie license if I am not mistaken and Bone claws is not as iconic as what he wearing now, Not toy mention that it is a business and why reinvent the wheel improve the sculpt make minor changes a its a whole new product, Bat Man begins.

Hot Toys need to be able to stretch their investments to get the most profit. If they can leverage one movie and one figure several times then why not makes good business scene. These figures are not like other figures were you can simply change the color and reissue the figures they are individual collectibles so not surprising what they are doing.
Well X costume that would require a new movie license if I am not mistaken and Bone claws is not as iconic as what he wearing now

They apparently do have the license for all X-films.

Why remake the existing wolverine when other versions haven't been done, that'd be like them making the Mk 2 back then and instead of the next figure, updating the MK 2 again right away.

Not toy mention that it is a business and why reinvent the wheel, improve the sculpt make minor changes and its a whole new product, Bat Man begins.

If they exist only for remakes or updates, it will only lead to one place. ..Bankruptcy.
Batman begins is not a whole new product, it is a remake with and extra "costume"

Hot Toys need to be able to stretch their investments to get the most profit. If they can leverage one movie and one figure several times then why not makes good business scene.

They re-use the molds for the predators and iron man line to get the most profit from them, that's why if a figure requires a new body designed for that one character it costs more as it can't be used again.

These figures are not like other figures were you can simply change the color and reissue the figures they are individual collectibles so not surprising what they are doing.

They have changed the colors and re-issued them, secret project being the most recent.
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They apparently do have the license for all X-films.

Why remake the existing wolverine when other versions haven't been done, that'd be like them making the Mk 2 back then and instead of the next figure, updating the MK 2 again right away.

If they exist only for remakes or updates, it will only lead to one place. ..Bankruptcy.
Batman begins is not a whole new product, it is a remake with and extra "costume"

They re-use the molds for the predators and iron man line to get the most profit from them, that's why if a figure requires a new body designed for that one character it costs more as it can't be used again.

They have changed the colors and re-issued them, secret project being the most recent.

I guess I didn't see it I a was not aware that they acquired the licence for all the xmen movies, Are you sure?

They do repaint figures however this is only with there plastic mold figues like predator and iron man,

figures like wolverine and Captain america all these figures require unique tailoring that can not be really used on other figures. A re release is another chance to reissue the figure and still use their existing designs.

As you can see by the excitement generated by the re release of the new mark 1 I don't think they will be facing any financial issues soon.

As new collectors are always joining the hobby looking for these great figures the demand is there. I think you are looking at it from a collectors stand point hoping for new figures were I am simply looking at the business side
Well i dont know for sure, others will, but they have the license with Fox for both Wolverine Origins and X-Men First Class, the latter being of the same series, a prequel to the other three. So i'm sure the deal with Fox gives them the license for the other films.

Even from a Business side, they would not please their customers by making their figures non-collectibles by re-issuing them too often.
A few one off re-issue seems okay but not as a full-time business model, you can see here, other forums and on facebook the debate on the repercussions of remaking figures has on the consumerbase.

When a figure is made it cant be made with the idea of using everything again as every character is different, is it not enough to charge $170-$250 and have that be the profit of the figure?

Being able to use the molds for iron man and predator is useful. But can't be applied to everything.

The Mark 1 has the be a Remake as there aren't other version applicable. Whereas Wolverine has only had one version made, so long before an exact remake of that figure there at least needs to be other versions of the character, and they aren't short for choices. Plus it would keep the line fresh to have a Wolverine from a different era or appearance.
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Well i dont know for sure, others will, but the have the license with Fox for both Wolverine Origins and X-Men First Class, the latter being of the same series. A prequel to the other three, so i'm sure the deal with Fox gives them te license for the other films.

Even from a Business side, they would not please their customers by making their figure non-collectibles by re-issuing them too often. A few one off re-issue seems okay but not as a full-time business model, you can see here, other forums and on facebook the debate on the repercussions of remaking figures has on the consumerbase.

When a figure is made it cant be made with the idea of using everything again as every character is different, is it not enough to charge $170-$250 and have that be the profit of the figure?

Being able to use the molds for iron man and predator is useful. But can't be applied to everything.

The Mark 1 has the be a Remake as there aren't other version applicable. Whereas Wolverine has only had one version made, so long before an exact remake of that figure there at least needs to be other versions of the character, and they aren't short for choices. Plus it would keep the line fresh to have a Wolverine from a different era or appearance.

Well see but collectors always complain but if the demand is there then it only makes good business sense.

Wolverine does not have to be a full remake he can have an upgraded head sculpt like they did with batman there has to be something new to attract the people.
Well i dont know for sure, others will, but they have the license with Fox for both Wolverine Origins and X-Men First Class, the latter being of the same series, a prequel to the other three. So i'm sure the deal with Fox gives them the license for the other films.

Even from a Business side, they would not please their customers by making their figures non-collectibles by re-issuing them too often.
A few one off re-issue seems okay but not as a full-time business model, you can see here, other forums and on facebook the debate on the repercussions of remaking figures has on the consumerbase.

When a figure is made it cant be made with the idea of using everything again as every character is different, is it not enough to charge $170-$250 and have that be the profit of the figure?

Being able to use the molds for iron man and predator is useful. But can't be applied to everything.

The Mark 1 has the be a Remake as there aren't other version applicable. Whereas Wolverine has only had one version made, so long before an exact remake of that figure there at least needs to be other versions of the character, and they aren't short for choices. Plus it would keep the line fresh to have a Wolverine from a different era or appearance.

I agree, if HT keeps making reissues, most collectors will see their figures as non-collectibles and not buy or at least be afraid to buy. Buying something at $20 and seeing it 10x the same is one thing, buying something for $200+ and seeing it again is another. If it's fine for HT to remake a figure, explain to me why there is such a heated debate on the forums and on FB.
A XO Wolverine re-release would be stupid when they havent released any other Wolverine from the X-Men movies.
I agree, if HT keeps making reissues, most collectors will see their figures as non-collectibles and not buy or at least be afraid to buy. Buying something at $20 and seeing it 10x the same is one thing, buying something for $200+ and seeing it again is another. If it's fine for HT to remake a figure, explain to me why there is such a heated debate on the forums and on FB.

Its a business decision collectors can complain all they want in the end the popularity of the figure will make the difference.Simple demand and supply. So what they complaining about that their figures are worth less on ebay and this will prevent hottoys from re releasing it, it will only encourage them to remake it with upgrades and repackage it as something new.

Since the copy cats and imitators will do for them might as well beat them at their own game.
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