Hot Toys Iron Man Mark 1 re-release

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Kinda makes the excitement, authenticness and joy of getting a new figure pointless, if a better one'll be on it's way.

My only real gripe with the remake strategy is that they take time to remake a previous figure but there is still nothing from those in my sig or newer figures from existing licenses that people want, i.e Platoon, Tron, Sucker Punch.

Which proves that remakes are taking production time away from under-developed licenses.

I agree that I'd like to see them focus on some of their older announcements. I'd especially like to see something from Metal Gear Sold soon. However, as a business, Hot Toys will always center their focus on where the money is. Iron Man and Predators are guaranteed hits with them and I can't blame them for wanting to make the money that's just there for the taking by making more figures from those licenses.

Additionally, unless you paid crazy aftermarket prices, you could still make more than what you originally paid for the old version by selling it to fund the updated one, I'd say. Selling can be a pain and I complained about it in the Predator thread, but if I really wanted to, I'm sure I could sell my old Predators and get the new ones I want with the money I'd make. Same goes for Mark I.
How lazy! just to throw out the old one with a new paint job/head thought they might of put a bit of effort in. Shiiite!!!
Kinda makes the excitement, authenticness and joy of getting a new figure pointless, if a better one'll be on it's way.

My only real gripe with the remake strategy is that they take time to remake a previous figure but there is still nothing from those in my sig or newer figures from existing licenses that people want, i.e Platoon, Tron, Sucker Punch.

Which proves that remakes are taking production time away from under-developed licenses.

Not necessarily. We know it takes manufacturing time to produce the re release but what we don't know is what HT is doing with the unrealized licensees. Maybe they are waiting on the license holders to make approvals and so to keep the manufacturing facility busy they do these variants and re releases? Did you see all the heads that Kojun not only sculpted but JC painted for the Sparrow figure? There was a ton and it was all to get the approval from the license holder. Truth is no one here knows and so all we can do is guess. So my guess is that the delays come from the back and forth from HT and the license holder. At least that's what I'm going to believe.
How often will collectors buy a remake of remake and an original ig they own two already? there will be a limit and the remake process must stop or they'll eventually lose customers, Iron Man can't stay in vogue forever.

Once people own the MK 1 and the MK 1 remake, will they honestly buy and MK 1 3.0?

I for one love the iron man line, have the originals and plan on getting the remakes and keeping the old ones. With regards to losing customers, I think not, as there will always will be new customers to pick up what the old ones don't. Think of a car model, every 3 to 5 years, get replaced. Some upgrade, most don't. But sales are not lost as new customers buy that type. May lose existing customers to a pacific line, but they will pick up on another line, just like someone would do changing to a complety different vehicle. At the end people will still buy and Hot Toys will ALWAYS MAKE MORE money then before. Well actually, can lose customers due to QC issues rather than remakes.
Not necessarily. We know it takes manufacturing time to produce the re release but what we don't know is what HT is doing with the unrealized licensees. Maybe they are waiting on the license holders to make approvals and so to keep the manufacturing facility busy they do these variants and re releases? Did you see all the heads that Kojun not only sculpted but JC painted for the Sparrow figure? There was a ton and it was all to get the approval from the license holder. Truth is no one here knows and so all we can do is guess. So my guess is that the delays come from the back and forth from HT and the license holder. At least that's what I'm going to believe.

I would love to go back stage of hot toys, to see what they have in the works and the ones that never got approved by licensees. I bet there are some amazing sculpts that we will never get to see the light of day.
I would love to go back stage of hot toys, to see what they have in the works and the ones that never got approved by licensees. I bet there are some amazing sculpts that we will never get to see the light of day.

Can you imagine?!! Would be sick. I would kill to get a full walk through from conception to shipping. Bucket list item right there.
I agree that I'd like to see them focus on some of their older announcements. I'd especially like to see something from Metal Gear Sold soon. However, as a business, Hot Toys will always center their focus on where the money is. Iron Man and Predators are guaranteed hits with them and I can't blame them for wanting to make the money that's just there for the taking by making more figures from those licenses.

I personally think they've made enough money from those licenses, if they focus their attention too much on select licenses, those licenses will become complete (Iron Man & Predator have) and they'll resort to remaking them figures again, which will lead to the license become oversaturated with choice and customers will become complacent and move on to... What?

Not necessarily. We know it takes manufacturing time to produce the re release but what we don't know is what HT is doing with the unrealized licensees. Maybe they are waiting on the license holders to make approvals and so to keep the manufacturing facility busy they do these variants and re releases? Did you see all the heads that Kojun not only sculpted but JC painted for the Sparrow figure? There was a ton and it was all to get the approval from the license holder. Truth is no one here knows and so all we can do is guess. So my guess is that the delays come from the back and forth from HT and the license holder. At least that's what I'm going to believe.

True we don't know how it all works... but hold ups on several overdue licenses (all 3 in my Sig for example) at the same time with not one of them making it through to the approved status is too unbelievable IMO.

Afterall they still need to get the Milk Machine, MK 2 AU and this MK 1 remake all approved too, if they can get all of those remakes approved and into production, why not the others? unless they're simply focusing their time on these proven moneymaking remakes instead of widening their variety of products.

This is from the SSC page of the Black-Suited Spidey..."Head portrait is pending licensor approval" so it seems they could've had those licenses all up for order by now.

Vairety is what keeps things fresh and going, a constant influx of the same three licenses and re-made figures over and over will have to lose the cuctomers interest at some point.
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But is still great news to collectors who miss out on earlier releases and the good thing is that hopefully new collectors like me need not pay sky-high prices for the same previous figures, also QC issues, better makes for the figures will most probably be guaranteed as these are older mould figures. If HT releases straight up older figures with NO improvements with a higher pricing, that is killing the value of their figures collecting purely....
Woman & children, don't be silly. The amount we pay for our figures there clearly painted by Angels.
Except for Indy of course, who was painted by a rabid monkey coming off a 3 day sugar binge.
But is still great news to collectors who miss out on earlier releases and the good thing is that hopefully new collectors like me need not pay sky-high prices for the same previous figures.

Well the news of the P2 is good for me as i'm just now getting into the Predator line, not enough to spend crazy amounts on ebay or to demand HT remake it for my benefit, but i'm looking forward to it.
Kinda makes the excitement, authenticness and joy of getting a new figure pointless, if a better one'll be on it's way.

My only real gripe with the remake strategy is that they take time to remake a previous figure but there is still nothing from those in my sig or newer figures from existing licenses that people want, i.e Platoon, Tron, Sucker Punch.

Which proves that remakes are taking production time away from under-developed licenses.

I can empathize with your point of view. Personally, I would also love to get a Solid Snake figure before another freakin' Iron man or Joker (though I do also like many of their re-releases), but. . .

I personally think they've made enough money from those licenses. . .

Hot Toys is a business, and they figure that they can maximize their profits by behaving as they are. They're gonna make more money by going back to the well over and over and over than they would staying "fresh" with a variety of new character releases we haven't seen before. So, that's what they're gonna do.
In the past few days HT previewed Mark I v2 and Red Skull while hinting at Wolverine v2

Perhaps next week HT will preview DC Joker v2 and Green Lantern while hinting at :dunno

It only seems fair :lol
I'd like to see something like 'since we are making new body for 1/4 scale Dutch, we are going to revisit another Arnold role, the T-800!'.
In the past few days HT previewed Mark I v2 and Red Skull while hinting at Wolverine v2

Perhaps next week HT will preview DC Joker v2 and Green Lantern while hinting at :dunno

It only seems fair :lol

They already announced a Joker 2.0 months ago :lol
How often will collectors buy a remake of remake and an original ig they own two already? there will be a limit and the remake process must stop or they'll eventually lose customers, Iron Man can't stay in vogue forever.

Once people own the MK 1 and the MK 1 remake, will they honestly buy and MK 1 3.0?

It's like watching Apple hit 5th generations on iPod's, iPad's and iPhone's.
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