Hot Toys Iron Man Mark 1 re-release

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They should have just sold the new headsculpt by itself. The paint is already pretty good.
Hand painted?

God I hope that isn't an ecscuse to charge a fortune for it.

Looks the same as the original to me.

If any figure does need a rerelease, it is Wolverine :lol But even then they add a denim jacket and a new headsculpt he'd then be X1, 2 or 3 and be a legit variant. HT is just milking the Iron Man fans without a real legit reason other than seeing money they could have go to ebay. The only way this could be legit variant would be to have the suit be empty and be a Iron Man 2 Hall of Armor display version, which we know isn't happening. An extra empty helmet perhaps, but Tony is certainly coming with this.

Bone Clawed version, X2 version, BD version, Hero Costume version, they could choose any of them and atleast it wouldn't be a straight remake of the same figure.

Their just looking for the easy $$ instead of pushing the envelope like they did previously....:lecture

Short term gain............Long term losses......:dunno

It's sad for collectors who've grown tired of Iron Man

Have to agree, I love Iron Man but rereleasing and making things like the gantry system is just milking the line. I'd love to see new products and licenses being produced and used.

That's the key, they like to announce licences but he take forever or do one figure and abandon them :(

I just want them to get cracking on the ones in my Sig, think about it, three completely different announced licenses and NONE of them have been started, that equals something wrong in the companies planning dept.
Missed the first one, definitely getting this one, along with MK2 AU, and soon the Mark V to complete my Iron Man suits collection.
I bought the original back when it first came out and I'm still really pleased with it. I'm going to skip this release. At this point the only Iron Man announcement I'd jump at is an Avengers Mark VII.
I expect it'll simply be a repainted version, with very minor mods if any (BB Batman a case in point)

Since it's apparently hand painted by Lalla... i'm thinking close to $300 for this

Its just the prototype painted by Lalalalala. The production figures will be painted by the usual HT women and children.
Its just the prototype painted by Lalalalala. The production figures will be painted by the usual HT women and children.

Woman & children, don't be silly. The amount we pay for our figures there clearly painted by Angels.
I have to say I'm really getting sick of HT's rereleases. These are collectibles. Once you've made something, move on. Don't keep remaking it. If people miss out, they miss out and can pay the current going rate. How are we ever supposed to get new figures from the new liceneses you have if you keep working on 5 year old licenses? The Mark I was amazing and other than the sub-par Stark sculpt (which is covered up anyway) I don't really see much more they could improve on unless this thing can actually shoot real fire. :dunno
Like it or don't like it, though, this is the way Hot Toys operates now. I don't see them going backward to how they previously operated. In fact, I would expect even more re-releases and re-re-releases, etc. than ever in the coming years. Not a coincidence that Milk magazine has such a strong relationship with them.

Appealing to new collectors and betting on sure-fire sellers is their preferred strategy over appealing to folks who have older figures and want them to remain more special somehow.
I agree there Sam. It's just the way it is now. I don't think I'm special or better than anybody because I have the old versions. I'm actually happy that people will be able to get figures of the characters they missed out on without paying an arm and a leg.

I might be wrong, but I'm hoping this has an effect on the aftermarket prices on the new releases to a degree. With these being more readily available in re-release format, it'd be nice if we don't see these skyrocketing in price and being flipped for $800. I might have to take a hiatus from collecting for a year or two very soon and it'd be beneficial to me to be able to afford some of the ones I want when I come back to my hobby.
Not much for me to say about this but that I want it but with all the Preds getting reissued I'm thinking about just concentrating on them.
I agree there Sam. It's just the way it is now. I don't think I'm special or better than anybody because I have the old versions. I'm actually happy that people will be able to get figures of the characters they missed out on without paying an arm and a leg.

I might be wrong, but I'm hoping this has an effect on the aftermarket prices on the new releases to a degree. With these being more readily available in re-release format, it'd be nice if we don't see these skyrocketing in price and being flipped for $800. I might have to take a hiatus from collecting for a year or two very soon and it'd be beneficial to me to be able to afford some of the ones I want when I come back to my hobby.

How often will collectors buy a remake of remake and an original ig they own two already? there will be a limit and the remake process must stop or they'll eventually lose customers, Iron Man can't stay in vogue forever.

Once people own the MK 1 and the MK 1 remake, will they honestly buy and MK 1 3.0?
Say what??

I know. It's going to be tough. If all goes as planned with my savings and everything, I'm probably going to be a full time student this Fall. Living on campus and everything. Hot Toys will have to be put on the back burner for a little while.
I'll probably get this one to put next to the old one and make a tag that says the release dates, to show how time improves not only wine.
As long as the new figures are improvements, older collectors will keep buying IMO, and offloading the older ones. Add in the constant influx of new collectors, and I think it is a solid sales strategy. Yes, they are upsetting some older collectors who don't want figures re-released, but I think they are a minority that Hot Toys doesn't focus on at this point.

Collectibility goes beyond rareness IMO. If Hot Toys makes great products, then I personally don't care how many are out there or whether or not it is a re-release. And I think a number of others share this view.
I know. It's going to be tough. If all goes as planned with my savings and everything, I'm probably going to be a full time student this Fall. Living on campus and everything. Hot Toys will have to be put on the back burner for a little while.
Well of course, sometimes you've got to make sacrifices for long term gains. Good luck with all that Ben.
I know. It's going to be tough. If all goes as planned with my savings and everything, I'm probably going to be a full time student this Fall. Living on campus and everything. Hot Toys will have to be put on the back burner for a little while.

Kudos brother. Good luck with that.
As long as the new figures are improvements, older collectors will keep buying IMO, and offloading the older ones. Add in the constant influx of new collectors, and I think it is a solid sales strategy. Yes, they are upsetting some older collectors who don't want figures re-released, but I think they are a minority that Hot Toys doesn't focus on at this point.

Collectibility goes beyond rareness IMO. If Hot Toys makes great products, then I personally don't care how many are out there or whether or not it is a re-release. And I think a number of others share this view.

Kinda makes the excitement, authenticness and joy of getting a new figure pointless, if a better one'll be on it's way.

My only real gripe with the remake strategy is that they take time to remake a previous figure but there is still nothing from those in my sig or newer figures from existing licenses that people want, i.e Platoon, Tron, Sucker Punch.

Which proves that remakes are taking production time away from under-developed licenses.
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