Hot Toys Iron Man Mark 1 re-release

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Which group of crybabies is it OK for HT to p!$$ off with their rereleases? 1) The guys whose figures will now lose their value or 2) the guys who whined about missing the original because they didn't join the hobby on time? Thats 2 sets of whiners but obviously HT is only interested in our money so they choose to p!$$ off the first group.

Thats the reality.

New Tumbler is probably coming soon my friend.
New Tumbler is probably coming soon my friend.

My only doubt about that is the rumour we heard that they thought they underpriced it the first time and ended up making a loss...though they'll probably just correct that mistake this time.

As I've said if it has improvements rendering my version the inferior one, yeah I'll be p!$$ed.
My only doubt about that is the rumour we heard that they thought they underpriced it the first time and ended up making a loss...though they'll probably just correct that mistake this time.

Probably. However, I wonder how many original owners of something like that would go for the upgrade. That's a pretty big chunk of change. It's understandable with a figure or something like Mark I, but a giant vehicle like that might be a little different.
I once didn't care to have the Mk I after I:
-passed it up on SSC
-passed it up when it was at my local comic book store

I didn't get a Mk II. and that seemed harder to acquire at the time. I opted to get the Mk I Maquette exclusive... bigger, and to me, cooler.

But then they announced a Mk II re-release.
So, i jumped on it at SSC.

So that means I had a Mk III, IV, V, and VI... a II on pre-order... it made sense to me to look for a Mk I.

I find a seller BEFORE the HT announcement who would sell me their Mk I at a decent Not-quite-as-high-as-eBay price.

And now, I see that HT is re-releasing a new Mk I.

One, I can say *&^%$#, I just spent $xxx for the previous version.
But knowing how much the Iron Monger costs $480 on SSC, and $430 at alterego (plus shipping for both), and how much they've been chaging lately... i can only imagine how much they're going to charge for the re-release.

So do I feel shafted? for a brief second.. but i'm still getting my own Mk I. Am I going to be sour at the folks who missed out initially and are excited now? No. because I was in that same boat, and i see it as we are all within the same family of collectors. when someone is looking for an item i'm not selling, but i know a friend or aquaintance is selling it, i send the buyer to the seller in hopes of a sale.

But as for the other form of milking... making variants of the same figure over and over (other than regular / battle-damaged, maybe), yeah, HT is just going for profit and not focusing efforts on their other licenses.

Yeah, for the collectors who buy for the value, i feel for you. but limited edition is still limited if you put in the perspective of how many are made, in existence, versus the number of people on the planet, even reduced to those who can afford the figures/collectibles.

but since it's all a matter of self-perspective, i don't see my acquisitions as valued only for resale value.

summary, people will always be mad one way or another as conflict is our nature. but to those who did miss out the first time, and now have a chance,... congrats and best wishes!
Probably. However, I wonder how many original owners of something like that would go for the upgrade. That's a pretty big chunk of change. It's understandable with a figure or something like Mark I, but a giant vehicle like that might be a little different.

I couldn't possibly buy another one. I wouldn't risk selling my current one in case they didn't do another one. And after the fact who'd want to buy the outdated version unless I sold it cheap.
Which group of crybabies is it OK for HT to p!$$ off with their rereleases? 1) The guys whose figures will now lose their value or 2) the guys who whined about missing the original because they didn't join the hobby on time? Thats 2 sets of whiners but obviously HT is only interested in our money so they choose to p!$$ off the first group.

Thats the reality.

I'm curious to understand why you think me stating that I am happy about a re-release because I just started collecting makes them a crybaby or whiner? :dunno
All Hot Toys are doing is running a business, if something sells they are going to focus on that, it's not like they are the only company that do that.

I think that if you buy to re-sell then shame on you, you're exploiting people who want the collectibles to keep at least Hot Toys is giving these people another chance.
All Hot Toys are doing is running a business, if something sells they are going to focus on that, it's not like they are the only company that do that.

I think that if you buy to re-sell then shame on you, you're exploiting people who want the collectibles to keep at least Hot Toys is giving these people another chance.


I totally agree.

It just don't understand why someone would think THEIR point of view is absolute. That there could not possibly be any other way of thinking. And if you don't agree, let the name calling begin. :dunno:cuckoo:
I'm curious to understand why you think me stating that I am happy about a re-release because I just started collecting makes them a crybaby or whiner? :dunno

I agree

I was once having a conversation with someone and talked about my interests. Comics, collectibles, etc,

She said, 'oh, you lot are arrogant and pretentious geeks'

I used to find that offensive, I still resent the geek part, but for the most part it rings true in some folk. People in this community tend to give off the impression that they own it, and how dare someone come along and join in. There is this impression given that we have some superiority due to our pop culture knowledge. And if I'm being honest, I see it myself, in real life and on forums

So the same applies to Hot Toys collecting, in principle. Folk are judged on their tenure or post count on a message board.

End of the day, it makes some people happy to own these items, that should be enough. I seriously question the reasons why someone could be upset that a once high priced figure on the after market is being re-released. If its just because they paid a lot for it, then that's spite. It's not nice that that's happened, but I would'nt resort to calling people cry babies.

I would be happy that there is still new blood to keep the hobby going for future generations.

I'm in the pro-rerelease camp!
I think that if you buy to re-sell then shame on you, you're exploiting people who want the collectibles to keep at least Hot Toys is giving these people another chance.
People can do whatever they want as far as I'm concerned. And I certainly don't think there is much exploitation going on here, when these things are mass produced in the thousands. Everyone has a chance. . .initially. And I don't think folks getting in later are entitled to anything. The folks willing to pay are the ones responsible for the increases in price. Sellers are simply providing what those people want.

But my point in all this is that those people are not a primary concern to Hot Toys. They are a side effect of the collectible business, and do help sell some product. In fact, they probably help to keep businesses like mondotees with their insanely low edition sizes and unpredictable sales times afloat. But I believe these to be a very small percentage of the Hot Toys customer base. As such, I believe that Hot Toys is acting in their best interests by behaving as they are.
I can't wait to see the spec on this _____. You can never gave enough RDJ. Still kinda hoping they somehow work in a cave Tony.

Also in the 'need a new Mark III' camp.
People in this community tend to give off the impression that they own it, and how dare someone come along and join in. There is this impression given that we have some superiority due to our pop culture knowledge. And if I'm being honest, I see it myself, in real life and on forums
Agreed. Fortunately, I don't fall into this trap. I am superior to others because I'm just better than them in all kinds of ways :yess:
Mark 1 will finally be on my shelf. :yess:

Patience, something I don't have, finally paid off!

I am so stoked that I didn't pay $4,800.00 on Ebay for one. :yess:
I couldn't possibly buy another one. I wouldn't risk selling my current one in case they didn't do another one. And after the fact who'd want to buy the outdated version unless I sold it cheap.

It totally kills the meaning of collectible on the box, doesn't it. Considering if they're going to re-release most... how is that any different to your average toy maker? It's hardly a collectible if they keep rehashing. That I could understand if these figures were $50.

At least BBR Models, Amalgam know how to do it right. They never re-release car models and some can cost as much as the 1/6 vehicles at retail and of course Amalgam's are 4 figures. Plus most of BBR's models that are made are low numbers. Usually sub 100, mostly sub 50 for the 1/43's.

If you miss out, thats it. They move on.
It totally kills the meaning of collectible on the box, doesn't it. Considering if they're going to re-release most... how is that any different to your average toy maker? It's hardly a collectible if they keep rehashing. That I could understand if these figures were $50.

At least BBR Models, Amalgam know how to do it right. They never re-release car models and some can cost as much as the 1/6 vehicles at retail and of course Amalgam's are 4 figures. Plus most of BBR's models that are made are low numbers. Usually sub 100, mostly sub 50 for the 1/43's.

If you miss out, thats it. They move on.

:horror :horror :horror

:monkey2 :monkey2 :monkey2
It's usually the reason why BBR models always sell out to pre-orders. $200 - $500. That and the small quantities that are made. Amalgam on the other hand don't usually sell out, even though most of their models are 99 models per car. But not everyone splurges out $4,xxx per car.

It makes a Hot Toys figure/vehicle sound cheap, doesn't it.
But a collectible is simply something that is collected. Hasbro toys are collectibles to some. Rareness doesn't have to feed into the equation unless the collectors, collectively, decide that something isn't worth collecting without it. I don't think Hot Toys fits into that mold. The models you are referring to may well have a different collector base that does require such a thing in order to maintain interest and to ensure that the company is profiting as much as it can, however. I think Sideshow caters a bit to that kind of collector, by limiting edition sizes and not caving in to the attraction of knowing they could sell 10,000 more Doom PFs if they just made them.

Hot Toys is a different beast. They release thousands of figures in a given release. These aren't rare to begin with by any stretch. They are selling to fans of Predator, Sucker Punch, and Iron Man, meaning lots of (relatively) younger collectors who care more about having a great action figure than having something that exists in low quantities.
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