If you had 2 of these, I wonder how hard it would be to sculpt a spear tip on the pointing finger of the left hand so it could match with the right.
Wow, this just looks great. If they tweak the sculpt, for the better, cool, but I'm happy enough with it as is. The problem is, I think they should then redo all 3 sculpts because for sure the donut head looks like the same sculpt with just the damage added, so there'll be inconsistency which I'm not big on.
I'm sure they will, when the cash flow they're getting out of T2 has run dry.
Kyle Reese is just as important at the T-800 imo. I hope they do him.
Kyle Reese is just as important at the T-800 imo. I hope they do him.
From 1984 or Fail, I'm still bummed the one they did make was the future costume that he wore for all of 10% of his screen time.
...and the likeness was crap
It was a good way to further hide his likeness ........... if any.
Yeah, I know why they did it, just stinks, the '84 look is the classic. I'd love to see a Reese sculpt today, between sculpt and paint, I bet HT'd nail those crazy eyes Biehn had going a lot in T1.