Hot Toys - MMS 117 Terminator 2 Model T-800 spec + hi-res pics

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Looking at DX01 arguably the best release in 2009 and extremely popular and me thinking the largest quantity selling figure for HT this 2009...... still has stock in plenty of places :p

So yeah I bet (and I would) HT always try to build more than can be sold but roll it out in several stages to avoid flooding the market too fast and therefore diluting the selling price.
Don't forget, DXO1 and O2 and other HT TDK had a larger production run due to DC Direct distributing their own batch of figures as well.
yeah so this Arnie is likely just the same
Actually this is better for us collectors anyways as it will keep the prices down though not benefit to us here
Oh darn who was working for Sideshow Canada here again and was going to find out which store was an authorized dealer and can order Ex?
Possibly on the East coast, maybe even Toronto? I wonder if Silversnail is one but their prices are usually 30% more than what I pay at Toys2 :(
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I had a dream last night. HT made a liquid nitrogen truck diorama with the T-800 standing on the hood of the truck firing the Colt AR15 into the windshield and T-1000. Sadly i woke hope this morning and understood it was just a dream :(
I had a dream last night. HT made a liquid nitrogen truck diorama with the T-800 standing on the hood of the truck firing the Colt AR15 into the windshield and T-1000. Sadly i woke hope this morning and understood it was just a dream :(

For me thats the most BADASS part of the movie. It was just so aweosme how he walks across the front of the truck, crouch's and opens fire.
aw man you have no idea, I work at staples and we ship UPS. When the UPS guy comes to pick up the packages, he's a complete jerk and will get mad if there's a lot of stuff so he has little hissy-fits and throws stuff around.

Then when he's loading the stuff onto the truck, he just chucks them as if they were empty boxes

Thats the thing I can never understand with people like that. When they do that it costs the insurance company/shop a lot of money between returning damaged goods shipping out more replacements another delivery therefor more fuel wasted on UPS as well as tarnishing their name in certain states/areas. That can usually end up with the shop going with another courier.

Nothing was then gained except that it proved that specific person is a useless incompetent prick. I've had my fair share with City-Link and Parcelforce as well when a new driver comes on the scene.

If I was shipping collectibles, i'd be furious, but keep in mind that people have shipped, like flat screens and computers!

Yeah, it's usually UPS that deliver my Mac stuff and the Apple boxes are fully exposed but he is very precise and handles things very carefully thankfully. No cardboard wrapping whatsoever due to the huge fancy boxes.
yeah well thats what defines us, emotions and not logic. Some do it better others not so much :p
I had a dream last night. HT made a liquid nitrogen truck diorama with the T-800 standing on the hood of the truck firing the Colt AR15 into the windshield and T-1000. Sadly i woke hope this morning and understood it was just a dream :(

Dude i always have dreams of Awesome Collectables but when i wake up im so mad cause there not real lol
Got a reply back from Eric at Toys2 and he said their shipment will arrive in 1 week. Hopefully it's that soon.
Read your post calvarenga without reading the previous ones, thought Arnold was out in 1 week :lol
Got a reply back from Eric at Toys2 and he said their shipment will arrive in 1 week. Hopefully it's that soon.

His first shipment should be in next week but from what I have seen so far he does not get the entire shipment in one shot and tends to get it spreadout over a 2 -3 weeks range so depeding on when you placed your order and are in the queue you coudl wait for that long
Even if HT can make it in one large shipment, Toys2 is not big enough to store it all :p

ooops back to Arnie

This fgure is so perfect that there is not much activity here now that more pictures have settled most of the issues? :p I got a few magazines from HK from a friend but oh well smae pictures being used in all of them so not much to contribute :p