Hot Toys - MMS 117 Terminator 2 Model T-800 spec + hi-res pics

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Sorry if I'm beating a dead horse, but what are the chances that HT will make another version of this Terminator with more weapons and added features like they did with Joker and BD Iron Man? It's really tempting to buy lol

This thread is HUGE and I can't read all the comments already posted

Odds are, there will be more weapons with another T-800 figure, but, it's very likely to be a Battle Damage version with parts of his face revealing the Endoskeleton and the other damage he received. There's a good chance this will be the only clean version of the T-800 from Terminator 2.

I think you'd be better off, if you are in the US, just waiting, to get a US dealer to help you out.

Some of the past releases ( Connor) have shown HT has revised a headsculpt later after shipment. Sorting that out with a US dealer later down the road usually doesn't seem to be a problem. The revisions are made before they get them. But right at release with an Ebay dealer? I suspect most will just keep the copy and sell it and ignore your emails.

I preordered mine from goodshipped on e-bay. Is he known to replace the item with the revised version? If this will happen on the T-800 where will HT post that info?
I preordered mine from goodshipped on e-bay. Is he known to replace the item with the revised version? If this will happen on the T-800 where will HT post that info?

If there is any incident like John Connor or DX Batman where a production issues is found after some of the figures have shipped, even if the person you buy it from will not help you, you can contact HT directly to work out replacements.

You'll be able to find out if such thing is happening here or on Hot Toys Facebook page, but this site follows that stuff pretty thoroughly so you're sure to find out here.
Trust me, you won't, if there's a production problem like that, that's ALL you'll read about in here when it happens.
This thread is pretty boring now. Wheres the complainers when you need them? :lol

Seriously though, for discussion purposes, its not good to have such a perfect figure as this. There was great mileage to be had in the Alien Big Chap thread where there was a mix of opinions. But everyone loves this T-800 figure. Till in-hand pics show up theres really nothing more to talk about.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS 117 Terminator 2 Model T-800 spec + hi-res pics

I love this figure and have pre-ordered it, but what am i missing if i wanted to custom it eventually to make it exactly like SS's PF (other than some BD to the clothing)? Off the top of my head i think i'm missing the gloved hands, bandolier and the launcher. Is there anything else? :dunno As i dont own the PF i don't know. Thanks guys :duff
Re: Hot Toys - MMS 117 Terminator 2 Model T-800 spec + hi-res pics

Nope, that's it, if you had those things you could replicate the PF.
Thanks man. The way i was going to do it was to buy this fig, then just steal these bits from the future inevitable BD version. However i've just thought, do you think a BD ver. 2 might come with a non BD portrait? Cos then i could just buy that fig instead and get it all in one.
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Nope, I think Hot Toys is planning this out. I strongly believe this will be the one and only clean portrait figure and that the BD figure might have 2 heads, but they'll be partial BD and full BD, but they'll included all the needed items to make a clean Cyberdyne look in the BD set, so that people wanting a clean Cyberdyne look have to buy 2 of this current figure in order to have a biker and Cyberdyne figure, or at the least, if they pass on this figure holding out for the BD and don't have the ability to make Cyberdyne figure from the BD, they'll then buy this figure. It helps to ensure more sales by splitting up items needed for the various T-800 configurations over 2 separate figures, and with how the Joker was handled, I think HT's come to feel they can practice this and people won't not buy, they will buy and they'll sell more.
Yeah if i'm honest that's what i was thinking with the 2 different BD heads. Oh well i'll just have to mix and match. No biggie. So MF what the hells gonna come with the DX? :lol
Are their any pics of the back of the jacket? I'm wondering if its got the bullet holes from the Pescadero encounter?
There were shots of it on Tommys blog showing it without the bullet holes in the back of the jacket. Personally i'd prefer it to have them.
So MF what the hells gonna come with the DX? :lol

My guess is, 2 types of BD heads, torn t-shirt, 2 BD jackets that are basically the same but for one being sleeveless for when he rips his arm off, a swappable left arm that is just the exposed wires and pipes like the end, clean and BD glove hands, mini gun rig, and grenade launcher and bandolier.

Are their any pics of the back of the jacket? I'm wondering if its got the bullet holes from the Pescadero encounter?


Forgot about Tommy's blog shot, thanks Platty for the reminder.
Yeah if i'm honest that's what i was thinking with the 2 different BD heads. Oh well i'll just have to mix and match. No biggie. So MF what the hells gonna come with the DX? :lol
Yeah if i'm honest that's what i was thinking with the 2 different BD heads. Oh well i'll just have to mix and match. No biggie. So MF what the hells gonna come with the DX? :lol

You'll be able to get loose bits on ebay, a head alone will normally go for £35-55 though.