Hot Toys - MMS 117 Terminator 2 Model T-800 spec + hi-res pics

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About the BD version and that being shipped with a M134.
The T-800 wasnt BD when he used it in the film, so maybe they will not ship it with that. What do you guys think the ebay price will land on for a Chris Redfield S.T.A.R.S M134 when its released?
About the BD version and that being shipped with a M134.
The T-800 wasnt BD when he used it in the film, so maybe they will not ship it with that.

It's not about what the character used relative to the figure in the box sometimes, it can be just about what helps sales.

Like I said, don't be surprised if all the clean Cyberdyne gear is included with a BD figure making purchase of 1 or a second of this current figure necessary to have that look.

The Joker didn't use a machine gun when robbing the bank in Dark Knight, but HT packed it in with the Bank Robber Joker figure, and people wanting that gun ended up buying the BR figure to get it for the regular Joker, not just for that, but the addition of it made the BR figure more enticing, that and a better headsculpt for the regular Joker.

Hot Toys plays games with accessories, anything goes, so don't start assuming the grenade launcher and a full bandolier of grenades and the mini gun won't be packed in with a BD figure, it's very likely they will be, especially where this film's been out for 20 years, HT knows what he should come with for the various looks in the film well before figures are made and they can scheme how to pack what to drive sales.
Had to bump these pics because they are helping me through the waiting.




:drool :drool
It's such a silly thing, but I'm most exciting about checking out the hair in person :lol

It's a great all around figure, but the most curious thing to check out for me is that hair, I'm just still so amazed by what Yulli achieved.

After getting Wolverine, I will be curious how immobile his arms are or aren't because of the leather jacket, Wolverine's are pretty limited because of it.
Wohoo my Fatboy is here.... Sort off. My woman missed the courier so picking up from the depot tomorrow. It's Christmas in January :D
Actually no cases for myself except the DX01 case. I have no space to put them anymore :(. Next
has to be an entirely new acrylic shelf. Just been too lazy to plan and do it. I am procrestinating :p
You guys are lucky, my woman only allows me two (Sometimes three) figures displayed at the same time. So i have to rotate them all the time.

Well, its not just her fault, I like a clean apartment. But sometimes I wish I had a dedicated room for my home cinema so that i could buy a big displaying cabinet.
Sounds like you need to lay down some new rules to your woman!

Much agreed. I know I put mine through a lot of grief.. but at least she understands for the most part, and she's even gotten into collecting some of the same stuff now.

Maybe you can get to her on some level. Explain what you would like, realistically though. Compromise is good, but 3 figures doesn't seem like much of a compromise.

i'd love a room full of collectibles.. haha.. don't we all? Hell.. i want a house full of them. I want my own custom built carbon freezing chamber with an elevator built into the freezer that takes me down into a sub-basement collectors paradise..

where was i?

But yeah.. fight for what you want. Even if you just start with a small cabinet, or a detolf thing. Something to showcase your favorites instead of just 3 would be better than where you are right now. Get to work! You must slowly let your collectibles invade your life.. haha.
Maybe, but maybe he just speaks what´s in his mind and would let actions follow, but that only reallife meet-ups would show.
I for myself, would definatly not let myself be told how much figures I have to display, So Husker´s kinda right...even...when...exaggerating a...little bit with that freezer-to-come-to-sub-basement-full´o figs.^^ But the hole point of gettin´ go for me.
But maybe you should try that, cybervillain:
She´s telling you to just display 3 at a time, huh?
So tell her:"I´m doin´that for a month. SO each month, three figs. Why don´t you just use one purse a month, instead of gettin´a new one each month, huh?
That will get one hell of an argument, but you´ll stand your ground...
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I noticed that too. But when I re-watched that scene the T-800 was hit square in the eye with looks like a 2-TON block of steel. Maybe the servos in his eye were crushed.

Well, if you look at the eye itself its much larger then a regular T-800 endoskeleton eye, i would say because they had to house the wiring to light up the eye.I doubt they could have made the eye move back then without using a animatronic puppet.
Maybe, but maybe he just speaks what´s in his mind and would let actions follow, but that only reallife meet-ups would show.
I for myself, would definatly not let myself tell how much figures I have to display, So Husker´s kinda right...even...when...exaggerating a...little bit with that freezer-to-come-to-sub-basement-full´o figs.^^ But the hole point of gettin´ go for me.
But maybe you should try that, cybervillain:
She´s telling you to just display 3 at a time, huh?
So tell her:"I´m doin´that for a month. SO each month, three figs. Why don´t you just use one purse a month, instead of gettin´a new one each month, huh?
That will get one hell of an argument, but you´ll stand your ground...
It all comes down to that we men are defenceless when the "no sex"-bomb is dropped :rotfl
Well, if you look at the eye itself its much larger then a regular T-800 endoskeleton eye, i would say because they had to house the wiring to light up the eye.I doubt they could have made the eye move back then without using a animatronic puppet.

Yeah, I agree with you. If the the CGI tech was available at the time im sure Cameron would have decided that it would have been way cooler if the endo eyed moved with Arnolds real eye. Anyway, as stated earlier, PERS is not important, other features comes way before.. But still, a guy can dream!
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I'm sorry to hear that ur woman is a "female dog" Cyber!

As a women, I wouldn't do that to you. I's ur hobby..u know...why would I restrict you from displaying ur treasures? :dunno

I'm sorry....but no matter what reason she may have, i think it's bull _____ and I don't agree with her. :lecture
It all comes down to that we men are defenceless when the "no sex"-bomb is dropped :rotfl

I for myself am strong enough to "entertain" myself, which way you wanna drop this ball´s on your side...


I would do it that way, stand you ground like I said and make a few more fair terms, whadda ya say?

Get this, cyber: My girl just lended me 100€ for the Signature 600.

What do you say now?!
