Maybe, but maybe he just speaks what´s in his mind and would let actions follow, but that only reallife meet-ups would show.
I for myself, would definatly not let myself tell how much figures I have to display, So Husker´s kinda right...even...when...exaggerating a...little bit with that freezer-to-come-to-sub-basement-full´o figs.^^ But the hole point of gettin´ go for me.
But maybe you should try that, cybervillain:
She´s telling you to just display 3 at a time, huh?
So tell her:"I´m doin´that for a month. SO each month, three figs. Why don´t you just use one purse a month, instead of gettin´a new one each month, huh?
That will get one hell of an argument, but you´ll stand your ground...