Hot Toys - MMS 117 Terminator 2 Model T-800 spec + hi-res pics

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They probably won't make one, but I'd wait it out personally, it's cool to have the bike but I don't think it's essential enough to take money from other cool figures to get it.
I know.. but..
I'm a "I want it now, I want it now" kind of guy... :p
They made the Batmobile, the T2 Fatboy is way more iconic then that. So if HT are logical guys they should produce one. But... A bike has lots of more detail then the batmobile, so maybe its hard to produce at a price the general public will accept.
I know.. but..
I'm a "I want it now, I want it now" kind of guy... :p
They made the Batmobile, the T2 Fatboy is way more iconic then that. So if HT are logical guys they should produce one. But... A bike has lots of more detail then the batmobile, so maybe its hard to produce at a price the general public will accept.


Even though I'm a Terminator fan, I have a problem with the above statement.



Not the best lighting but maybe a bit more to see.
Yeah, I definitely wouldn't call the T2 bike more iconic than the Batmobile either. I'm really not at all interested in the T2 bike myself. Although it was a cool few minutes in the film I just don't think it's needed from HT and I really don't think of it when I think of the film.

Gimme Arnold, Sarah and a T-1000 and I'll be happy.
I know.. but..
I'm a "I want it now, I want it now" kind of guy... :p
They made the Batmobile, the T2 Fatboy is way more iconic then that. So if HT are logical guys they should produce one. But... A bike has lots of more detail then the batmobile, so maybe its hard to produce at a price the general public will accept.

I think price and importance are key. You can still buy the Batpod and Tumbler for retail, even less in some places, they just don't seem to have sold as much as figures, the Tumbler also seemed to take a really long time to produce. I didn't get it but following the thread on it, seemed like those people had to wait forever. For the work a detailed 1/6 Harley Fat Boy would take, HT probably would deem it not worth the work, the figures will sell fine without it.

Who knows, maybe down the road they'll explore it depending on how the figures do. At this point, I'd like to see even a teaser of another figure coming, something more definitive than likelihoods from a magazine interview.

Just keep checking Ebay and one of these babies should pop up for a decent price.I can't wait to take that figure off my bike and replace it with this upcoming version.Geil you can take the base off the bike, looks better this way.
Looks niceer without the base, but then you can't have him look like he's riding.

That's one thing that would keep me from getting an HT Fat Boy if they did it, no base or means to support the bike in a riding position and it'd be a waste to me, I wouldn't want to pose him standing next to it or standing on it, when I use the bike I have him riding.
Geil you can take the base off the bike, looks better this way.

I saw it but I want to leave the best look for Arnie :D For the price (and the price you paid!) this is a steal!!! Funniest thing is the controller was on and I was looking for the bloody on/off switch without any luck.
Yeah but I agree, unless you are a huge Harley Davidson fan, probably should not spend that kind of money on the bike and just get this instead and use the budget for more Arnies or join us Tumbler owners :lol
Yep, same shop. Will post high detail photos when it arrive. However, for some reason buying from Hong Kong on ebay and it take weeeeks to arrive. I've bought some stuff for my real 1:1 rifle and gun from Hong Kong, Magpul PRS stock and so on (for some _____*ing reason the US has decided that exporting stocks is dangerous for homeland security (ITAR)) and it usually takes up to 5 working days to arrive.

Weeks? Ouhman, that about kills it for me, due to customer protection being reduced from 40-what to 30 days from paypal.
Gotta tell me how long it took, when it arrived, ok dude?

True! Besides I Wouldn't mind my woman supporting me :p

Hey, my girl is a blonde 25 year old Swede, your loss! ;)

You just gave yourself a KO, cause of your girl.:rotfl
Maybe she´s hot, but she´s unsupportive and mine is a 20 year old, which share´s like 80-90% of my interests and is kinda exotic for me too.
A 20 year old mexican-border born texasgirlie.


And to be honest, man. It´s not about that. We both know why we´re with them, right? But since I know how annoying this can be, due to my ex being this kinda girl you mentioned...I guess I´m happy with mine and...for fairness:
I won´t get myself another HT as long as I didn´t give her her money back.^^

To those Harley riding pics: I don´t like it...sorry guys.
If you do, I´m happy for you, especially when they´re cheap and all, but I think those pieces weren´t made for riding cycles and stuff.
It just ends that they look special and just makes that they look like more expensive Ken dolls.

@ Geil: Don´t get this wrong, dude. But it´s way cooler posing the pieces besides one and another, like your bats and the tumbler than doing it this way...

Weeks? Ouhman, that about kills it for me, due to customer protection being reduced from 40-what to 30 days from paypal.
Gotta tell me how long it took, when it arrived, ok dude?
Sure I will. Just for reference, my Hot toys Albert Wesker black gloved hands took 10 days to arrive from date of purchase. But thats a smaller package then the M2 stuff.

You just gave yourself a KO, cause of your girl.:rotfl
Maybe she´s hot, but she´s unsupportive and mine is a 20 year old, which share´s like 80-90% of my interests and is kinda exotic for me too.
A 20 year old mexican-border born texasgirlie.

Latino girl? Who lets you display an unlimited number of figures? Ok, you win :D

Even though I'm a Terminator fan, I have a problem with the above statement.


For my generation (I'm 30) I think the Fatboy is more iconic yes. We grew up with T1 and T2. Besides for me personally the 1989 Batmobile nicer looking, more sleek lines etc. The Dark Night is however easy the better movie over the 1989 version.
Sure I will. Just for reference, my Hot toys Albert Wesker black gloved hands took 10 days to arrive from date of purchase. But thats a smaller package then the M2 stuff.

Thx, bro. But why is it bigger? It´s still 1:6 stuff...?!

Latino girl? Who lets you display an unlimited number of figures? Ok, you win :D

No, not Latino...but still mighty-fine-a** and all, sweet as hell, supportive and stuff, but german based.
But still born in texas, it was on vacation from her parents when she was born...


Still won?!^^
Only 3 more months if we're lucky. That said, if it really comes in April, I would think by the end of February we should have seen sign of the next T2 figure, unless this is going to be a really slowly released line, be odd to get the T-800 with no sign of the next figure to come.
I think that could be a bit ambitious, while the technology is in place from Wolverine, there's still the unique body, which also requires a paint job. If they could crank this figure out in about 3 months without issue I'd be blown away, though it could have been in production before orders were taken. I do wonder if Hot Toys starts a production run before they put out pictures and solicit orders, since they don't set editions sizes, maybe they estimate a minimum ES for figures and get it going early.
I think that could be a bit ambitious, while the technology is in place from Wolverine, there's still the unique body, which also requires a paint job. If they could crank this figure out in about 3 months without issue I'd be blown away, though it could have been in production before orders were taken. I do wonder if Hot Toys starts a production run before they put out pictures and solicit orders, since they don't set editions sizes, maybe they estimate a minimum ES for figures and get it going early.

Yeah, they could be playing it safe with the "april" release date. If I were HT's I know i'd always underpromise and overdeliver.