Ah yes I see them. You’re right though, some screen shots they’re barely visible.
When they are visible, they're just cresting the box, like half moons.
Ah yes I see them. You’re right though, some screen shots they’re barely visible.
Be careful with the silver dot things on the chest box straps on this v2. I brushed my hand over one and it popped off. Didn’t even realize for a few minutes as I was futzing him. Talk about a pain to find and a pain to get back on. Very thankful right now I bought that single lense jeweler magnifier thing a few years ago. Made it easier to do.
How get you get it back on?
Ah yes I see them. You’re right though, some screen shots they’re barely visible.
You can see them best on the first photo Wor posted on the previous page. They're on the vertical straps, just above the chest box. The v2 ANH Vader chest box has these small metallic discs on the straps (as well as on the horizontal straps which I believe is inaccurate), but the v1 chest box doesn't have them I don't think. Not sure if the R1 Vader chest box does or not.
They are also on the horizontal straps. Here's a photo of the original costume without the inner robe on.
View attachment 399866
Well, well... never saw them and couldn't find a frame because the robe is almost always against the chest box. Must be what HT used because I also see that ridge framed around the red and green badges.
Got to say that sure doesn't look like a screen used costume though.
It's the original suit. Back then Kermit was used for various photoshoots that were used on posters, greetings cards etc.
So is it one of the actual David Prowse worn suits... or is it something put together at Fox once the movie got big and they created a "touring costume"...?
That was always my understanding. Original costume used....I can try to confirm.......
Here we go again.
So is it one of the actual David Prowse worn suits... or is it something put together at Fox once the movie got big and they created a "touring costume"...?
Given the history of the movie prior to opening -- meaning no one got it -- and the fact they had to make an all-new costume for ESB, I would guess for whatever reason they didn't have a lot of actual Vader costumes lying around for touring, let alone release an original outfit to do tours of places like Toys-R-Us (which is actually where I saw one of the many Vader touring costumes in early 1978).
Thanks Greg.
No wonder I don't post on here very often.