I heard about people doing this too. How much did you sand down?
Very little, actually. I was worried I was going to overdo it. Used a dremmel with the sand tool or whatnot
I recommend getting a dremmel set. Paid $40 for mine. makes sanding down things like the top of the helmet (inside) easy
I picked up the Vader helmet from the tarkin set, and the nose plug is glued in really well. I've been able to pop mine out of v1 and Rogue one but the bugger from this version is GLUED on!!!!
On a more positive note, the dome is barely glued on so it'll pop out with minimal effort.
Nose plug will come out. Xacto is your friend for this one, but as you can see, I scuffed the edges of the nose with this attempt. On the tarkin set vader, it's glued in moreso than previous versions, it seems

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