Point is the Han thread is mostly gush gush now. And same will follow here. People acted like Han looked like John travolta and soooooo far off that it wasn't even close for both sculpts. And then soon as in hand pics come it's back to gush gush. Nothing new here dude. Sure some don't like it still, but 91.375% do! Although i'm convinced if we ever do get a near perfect of any figure there will be plenty of haterz to put doubts into the weak minded.![]()
Im aware of the pattern, but part of the pattern is people see the final product, express their displeasure for a while if they don't like it and eventually leave. Then the people primarily left are those getting the figure (obviously people who like it as they're shelling out the $$), and people waiting for their figure.
Plus people are much more willing to knock images of figures posted by anonymous (to them) bloggers than fellow board members.
With regard to your last comment, if you want to see how people react to a great likeness, go visit the Leia thread. It should be pretty tough to find endless conversations about how off that sculpt is. Look for images that people post or comments of what actress the sculpt looks like as opposed to Carrie Fisher. I'm pretty sure you'll find next to none.