Hot Toys - MMS 95 - Terminator Salvation - John Connor- spec + hi-res pics

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Here's mine!

Is the box for this figure easily damaged? I ask because goHastings doesn't ship very securely and I'm not sure if it'll be a total wreck when it gets here.
Yeah I just realized it now. Good thing though, now I don't have to go find one on ebay because of the obsessive 'completionist' in me.
Ugh no I told myself I would never do it but after seeing pic's could not help myself.

John Connor Final:Rifle:John HT011K and Radio pouch on it's way.

Had to do it to make this figure even better. Got him on sale anyhows
Ugh no I told myself I would never do it but after seeing pic's could not help myself.

John Connor Final:Rifle:John HT011K and Radio pouch on it's way.

Had to do it to make this figure even better. Got him on sale anyhows
You won't regret picking up those items, they really do improve him a hell of a lot. The original radio pouch is a joke IMO.
haha you've got a right attitude you have - I havent seen one nice post from you all you do it is put other people down it's pathetic and you're a bully
haha you've got a right attitude you have - I havent seen one nice post from you all you do it is put other people down it's pathetic and you're a bully


EDIT: The irony here is you're being the troll. That post was SPAM and isn't permitted outside of the commerce section. But if you were able to sound out multi-syllable words, you'd probably have read the rules and know that already. But instead, here you are visiting my profile page to find out what threads I'm posting in, trolling with no other intent but to stir up a flame war. :huh
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I don't think he even realizes that deleting his post so the mods won't see his unwarranted personal attack doesn't remove it from my quote. :lol


EDIT: BTW, proof of your trolling:

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goHastings doesn't have him listed anymore. I ordered one before he disappeared. Either he's now sold out or they realized they didn't have any in stock and my order will be canceled. :(
Yeah I will if it does get canceled. I e-mailed them and they said he was in stock right before I ordered so... here's hoping.