HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs & Pics

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Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Good God, you people are NUTS!!!! :gah::blissysmi
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Actually Batman has some light pink around his eyes..


No where near what the figure has... you had to have an extreme close up of the actor to see it, and on the figure, it can be seen from a distance. I just think this will help make the eyes look a tad smaller. At least to me. I would be happy with it out the box... but I just have the need to adjust things like that for my taste... just like when I shortened Gordon's neck so he didn't look like a giraffe on my shelf. Lol
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

:lol repeat offenders. I like to call them the usual suspects.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Off centre?
Yup, look at the right wing in these pics:



The shape of the wing is going downwoards towards his peck. The left wing is up farther. Hard to explain.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

His left... This help?

The right wing (our right) wing is angled lower than the left (It seems that way at least)


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Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

His left... This help?

The right wing (our right) wing is angled lower than the left (It seems that way at least)



Oh man.. that problem is in the bottom of my list of issues with this figure.. :lol

PS: Is just the angle.. the bat symbol isn't crooked.
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Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Yeah the batsymbol, arguably the most iconic part of the suit, warped.

Definitely gonna not care about that.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

I fail to see what's wrong with the bat-symbol and whatever is being seen has more to do with the angle of the figure or camera.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Yeah...and the fact that in the pictures referenced, the figure itself is sitting in the chair leaning to it's left has escaped the mass majority of people :panic: over it.

The second pic doesn't reveal what the figures stance is. Is it photographed from the left side dominate. The figure is 3 dimensional, not a 2D paper doll thats pressed flat:lol