i don't want to be the party pooper, as I see that there are many here who are liking the figure and the more you see of him, the more you like it. but for me, it's somehow the opposite. the more i see of the figure, the more i dislike it.
as for the headsculpts, i don't have to say a word anymore.
but i really liked the body from the beginning, when they showed the proto, when they showed it at those cons, and when they showed also their final pics. don't get me wrong, it's still superb, but i don't like that undersuit of the figure. it's a cool idea and it gives you an illusion of that mesh-suit, but it looks too big. especially on the arms, it looks even more like a pullover then a tight body suit.
i know that if it has been tight, it wouldn't be that poseable like now, but still it looks just weird.
and the abs-area bothers me a lot, that there is such a big gap between the chest and the suit. and as umair said, even with futzing it alright, there is still that gap, as those kevlar parts from the side won't let the chest piece move more lower, as they're higher positioned.