HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs & Pics

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Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - Batman/Bruce Wayne Full specs and

yeah :rotfl always with the "get a life" "get laid" insults, when a lot of you guys here are married and everything lol... what a dumb dumb LOL,

Seriously childish. I just saw some call this batsuit in general "gay", so I think most of their opinions are pretty invalid if they're using hate speech to describe a figure. :lol
...and Idk, I seem to do just fine with women. Some girls are even impressed with my setup. :dunno
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - Batman/Bruce Wayne Full specs and

Ill put the new Bale head onmy MMS TDK and just display the new dx12v with the cowl and all the guns and what have you. I also take it no one has seen the bain figure yet?
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - Batman/Bruce Wayne Full specs and

Ill put the new Bale head onmy MMS TDK and just display the new dx12v with the cowl and all the guns and what have you. I also take it no one has seen the bain figure yet?
and its bane.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - Batman/Bruce Wayne Full specs and

Sorry if this issue has been addressed before but this has been bugging me a bit:

So now that the suit is not pure rubber but rather fabric it should make the figure posable, but how far? The advantage of rubber is that it stretches, fabric doesn't.

I am not worried about elbow or shoulder joints, those seem fine in the pictures, but what about the legs?


In the picture the fabric seems to be at or close to its limit but the leg isnt even that far out.

I never had a Batman Hot Toys figure so I don't really know how it was with the rubber suit. I just hope that the fabric won't rip.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - Batman/Bruce Wayne Full specs and

Does the skin tone on the mouthpiece match the Bale sculpt? The pallor on Bats looks kinda sickly.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - Batman/Bruce Wayne Full specs and


Leave voidcat alone, I want a better Batman w/o having to resort to stuffing a medi head with cotton balls.


The red areas move separate from the blue area. :D


Also the top side armor on the figure doesn't have this curve.


Somebody getting more OCD than me?


Can you please add yellow in your ilustration, I like yellow.


Somebody said it earlier, and I agree that the reason why they look better on Keaton Bats and not Bale is because Bale squints in his cowl and the PERS dont represent that. ____ing PERS man, I swear.

Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - Batman/Bruce Wayne Full specs and

somebody said it earlier, and i agree that the reason why they look better on keaton bats and not bale is because bale squints in his cowl and the pers dont represent that. ____ing pers man, i swear.


Agreed, obviously the pers :lol
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - Batman/Bruce Wayne Full specs and

Geez, never thought that pic would make it past these forums. Anyway, sorry for the uproar, just having a little fun. :peace

A little truth in advertising however - I don't think HT can accomplish the amount of definition some of you demand with a business that's out to make money from mass produced(and let's be honest) toys. I'm not familiar with the customizer named Kato, but I gather from comments I've read on the Joker thread that folks looking for the most screen accurate tailored outfits were willing to pay out the wazoo for his work. Now he's been hired by HT, and I guarantee that the final product will never reflect his ideal design because let's face it - it would only equal his work if he did every figure himself. There will be a loss of translation when you hand it over to the assembly line. Also, if HT were to have bought the most high quality materials that I'm sure customizers like him would prefer to use - they'd need to realistically charge twice what they're charging now. And while I'm sure some of you would be OK with that, a lot more folks would not. Speaking of loss in translation - when you try to go from 1:1 to another scale, you're going to see differences the smaller you go. 1:2 might be right on par with the original with some quirks invisible to the untrained eye. 1:4, a few more quirks, with less training needed to spot issues. And 1:6 - well, here we are.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think HT should NEVER be held accountable for mistakes. I can understand and agree with reasonable criticisms, like the original Avenger's Thor HS that made him look more like he belonged on the Titanic than the Helicarrier. HT heard, and fixed. Nice. But there are some criticisms that just seem to be a bit excessive. I like perfection as much as the next guy - but I also understand the limitations of mass production vs. customization. AND, we haven't even taken into consideration the production photos that were provided to HT. During filming of these types of movies, they make numerous copies of these costumes, each with slight quirks that make it different from the other - either because of human error, but most likely because of the needs of that days filming. Some are made slightly different in order to accommodate what the actor needs to do, and what the stuntman needs to do. So in that, there are even differences between the 1:1 suits. These differences are negligible in the course of a fast paced action film, but I'm sure they would never escape the pause button and the sharp eyes(and the red and yellow arrows) of the collectors on these forums.

Anyway, I think HT CAN make all of the people happy some of the time(see Loki), and some of the people happy all of the time(see everything else). But they'll never make all of the people happy all of the time because of some of the hurdles they have to jump; and the ones I've listed above probably don't cover the whole gamut. I genuinely think HT is trying their best because when I look at what they're releasing these days sitting next to their stuff from even a few years ago, and then that stuff sitting next so some of the original SS 1:6 Star Wars releases - they have improved their game and the bar for the industry as a whole by leaps and bounds. What helps that is CONSTRUCTIVE criticism INFUSED with realistic expectation. And don't let me forget(and I know some of you won't), even though HT raised the bar for the industry, I really believe customizers like the very talented ones on these forums, raised the bar for them. So customizers, keep customizing because you'll always have the time, patience and in a lot of cases, better ability, to make ONE custom figure WAY better than HT's mass produced 1000's. Well, sorry about the :lecture.
I guess it begs the question:

Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - Batman/Bruce Wayne Full specs and

^^^^ Too many words.

I agree for the most part but each has their own tolerance level. I get a spot on sculpt with wrong colored socks or coat I am fine. IMO the sculpt is the most recognizable piece, if the sculpt is lacking it throws everything else out of whack. To each their own
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - Batman/Bruce Wayne Full specs and

^^^^ Too many words.

I agree for the most part but each has their own tolerance level. I get a spot on sculpt with wrong colored socks or coat I am fine. IMO the sculpt is the most recognizable piece, if the sculpt is lacking it throws everything else out of whack. To each their own

I know, sorry, I'm a writer by trade. Nothing you'll ever read, but you might have heard someone else read it.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - Batman/Bruce Wayne Full specs and

I know, sorry, I'm a writer by trade. Nothing you'll ever read, but you might have heard someone else read it.

I was teasing, I read it. A lot of good points. It is a joke in the forum when someone writes a long thread. Nothing personal, welcome to the boards :wink1:
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - Batman/Bruce Wayne Full specs and

I was teasing, I read it. A lot of good points. It is a joke in the forum when someone writes a long thread. Nothing personal, welcome to the boards :wink1:

Yeah I hated writing it, but once I got going, well... That's why I prefer pictures - you know, 1000 words and all. Anyway, thanks

Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - Batman/Bruce Wayne Full specs and

especially this barry dude, that keeps defending HT for everything. god i hate that guy...

Barry is the main reason i just don't post on the HT facebook anymore. the dude is so annoying