HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs & Pics

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Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

All the board members should get together and make their own company, not for profit, but for fellow collectors! ;)


Yeah if I was talented enough and I knew other collectors on here that were talented and we all had the money I would be in for it. We would destroy Hot Toys! :lol


Well... at least for people that prefer likeness and realism over things that look like toys. That being said, I love Hot Toys Storm Shadow, nearly dead on likeness IMO!
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Is it just mine or others too.....somehow when I push the magnet neck or head sculpt into the slot it made markings on the lower part of the neck. Almost like the hole wasn't made big enough. Even if the the marks are covered when its in the body, it would be nice to have a clean unscratch neck.

Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &


Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Well... at least for people that prefer likeness and realism over things that look like toys.

Yeah, I'm one of those people too. That's the thing for me. As nice as some of these figures are, most of them still look like Toys to me. I understand it would be hard to make something look very realistic at 1/6 scale though. Some of Enterbay's 1/4 stuff looks scary real. BD T2 Arnold is a perfect example.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

[ame=""][/ame]Respect to all the customisers mentioned in this video , some parts i love but others i wouldnt have ....sorry if offended
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs & to all the customisers mentioned in this video , some parts i love but others i wouldnt have ....sorry if offended

As I said in the other thread where you posted this video:

Clipper - the MRM head looks bad because of that mouth plate you are using. Put the Robbie face in the MRM sculpt.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

i did but it was that loose it fallin out , so thats why i didnt put that section of video in because i didnt want to show anything in a really bad light , but i have to say the robbie face is really nice but i thought it looked better on the hot toys head anyway
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Heh, breaking these figures when you actually want them to break isn't all that easy! Popping it into a bag and hitting with a hammer did nothing! At least to the head sculpt anyway. Probably due to the fact that it is vinyl. Haven't tried the body yet. Gonna give it a go tomorrow once I break it down and try and remove some parts I want to keep. I might just put him into a vice and crush him :lol either that, or bust out a hack saw and chop him up! or maybe I should run him over with my car...can't decide :rotfl

It makes me rage they are making you break it over a faceplate and belt. Lame.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Hey xpl0sive,
have you ever seen those youtube videos where people do the drop test, mircrowave test and whatnot to the iphone? Perhaps you could do the same and prove how durable the DX12 really is under harsh physical stress. For example, save yourself the trouble of the hammer and call out a FREE batman to a bunch of kids at school. Let them fight and play with a $300 dollar batman and just record. Warning - not for the faint of heart if you post it on youtube for us to watch. At the same time you'll truly learn how kids handle a Hot Toy differently from us and get Sideshow Rep laughing.:)
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs & to all the customisers mentioned in this video , some parts i love but others i wouldnt have ....sorry if offended

Great video and I agree with a lot of what you said, but I can't believe you said the PERS system makes the sculpt look more realistic! Why do you think most of us freaks don't like the PERS system? It is because it makes the figure look less realistic and more cartoonish! Look how good Gi Joe Storm Shadow (no PERS) is, if I had not known any better I would think it looks like the real thing!

I think it is fine for you to like PERS because you obviously like to sacrifice likeness and realism so you can have more options to play with. However, I can't believe you actually think PERS makes the sculpt look more realistic! :rotfl :rotfl
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Yeah, I'm one of those people too. That's the thing for me.

We are in the minority who buy these figures my friend! Well maybe we are in the majority here on the freaks board. :lol

As nice as some of these figures are, most of them still look like Toys to me. I understand it would be hard to make something look very realistic at 1/6 scale though. Some of Enterbay's 1/4 stuff looks scary real. BD T2 Arnold is a perfect example.

People use 1/4 scale as an excuse man for poor likeness from Hot Toys TDK stuff. Some sculptors actually prefer to work in 1/6th scale. Nevertheless, I agree it is most likely easier to sculpt in 1/4 scale than 1/6th but brilliant head sculpts can be done at the 1/6th scale and not look like toys if the paint job is good.

Medix painted by Elvis1976 (likeness not dead on but is still realistic)


Enterbay Will Smith MIB (likeness dead on and realistic IMO)


Hot Toys Terminator Salivation John Conor (great likeness and realism)


Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

to those who say pers kills realism , i'd say dx jack sparrow still best head sculpt ever in my opinion . its not the eyes fault its the surrounding sculpt i feel
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

[ame=""][/ame]monkeyrobotmaster sculpt with robbie the painter face plate explained
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs & sculpt with robbie the painter face plate explained

Careful handling the Robbie faceplate - the paint will come off - I've done it to two of mine.

For me, the Robbie faceplate looks too big in the HT cowl - not Robbie's fault - HT made the cowl way too small.

Your DX cowl does look good - the dark dry brushing you did to the face is really good.

I'd stick with the MRM cowl - it is far more accurate than the HT one as the Medi sculpt was taken from real scans of the actual cowl. Then you can cut up a Bruce Wayne head and use his mouth!

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Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

to those who say pers kills realism , i'd say dx jack sparrow still best head sculpt ever in my opinion . its not the eyes fault its the surrounding sculpt i feel

I think you make the mistake of accuracy vs realism. I agree with you that the likeness of Hot Toys Jack Sparrow is practically dead on. However, the PERS make it look more like a plastic toy.

Maybe this image will explain it better. Here is Kojun's handmade Jack sparrow. Now that looks very realistic but IMO the likeness is not as good as Hot Toys one but the eyes are so much more realistic.


Do you get what I mean now?
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

I think you're confusing basic sculpt issues with the presence of PERS. The issues you see with PERS are likely coincidental, and not necessarily a product of the system itself. There's no reason a sculpt with PERS can't look exactly like one without. It's all about implementation.

Some of us value accuracy, realism and articulation. PERS is just another tool in the articulation and pose-ability chest. If you want hyper-realism you may favor static sculptures because it's possible to sculpt things like fabric with much more realistic folds, plus the lack of articulated joints will give the product a much more non-toy feel.

While Hot Toys toys products of the past few years have varied on accuracy, I feel they all share just about the same level of realism, PERS-equipped figures included.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs & sculpt with robbie the painter face plate explained

Once again, good video, personally I think the DX12 head sculpt looks like a cartoon character. IMO it is pretty obvious to me at least why people on freaks modded theirs. However, you are entitled to your opinion and I respect that you think Hot Toys one is better. You are right to the face plate falls out so easily, does anyone on this thread have the same problem? :huh

I'd stick with the MRM cowl - it is far more accurate than the HT one as the Medi sculpt was taken from real scans of the actual cowl. Then you can cut up a Bruce Wayne head and use his mouth!

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It looks more accurate to me, but everyone see things differently I guess. :dunno
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

I think you're confusing basic sculpt issues with the presence of PERS. The issues you see with PERS are likely coincidental, and not necessarily a product of the system itself.


Sorry I disagree, the eyes look so dam fake with that same Sun pattern on the iris. Right now PERS makes the sculpt more toyish IMO.

There's no reason a sculpt with PERS can't look exactly like one without. It's all about implementation.

That might be true but I have yet to see it.:thud:

Some of us value accuracy, realism and articulation. PERS is just another tool in the articulation and pose-ability chest. If you want hyper-realism you may favor static sculptures because it's possible to sculpt things like fabric with much more realistic folds, plus the lack of articulated joints will give the product a much more non-toy feel.

I can agree with all that but why do you think most of the people in this thread are using mod heads with Robbies face plate instead of PERS DX12 heads? They want realism not another tool to play with that looks like a cartoon character!

While Hot Toys toys products of the past few years have varied on accuracy, I feel they all share just about the same level of realism, PERS-equipped figures included.

Ok name one PERS figure that looks as realistic as a non PERS one. :huh