I figure once I get her I'll just give her the saber from HT's Bespin Luke, since its not doing anything but sitting in the box.
I figure once I get her I'll just give her the saber from HT's Bespin Luke, since its not doing anything but sitting in the box.
I plan to get the lightsaber from Finn once TA or Monkey Depot parts him out.
Unless HT announces a second version before then.
Maybe we should bombard Hot Toys with a bunch of #wheresreyslightsaber tweets?
(wanted an excuse to post that.)
As it is isn't out for a while, I wouldn't be surprised if the lightsaber was included. It's a given, must have accessory for Rey.
Would be very cool if her goggles had a little LED in the light.
Would be even cooler if they made her bike. Loved the design of that thing - channeling Like's speeder and flipping it vertical. Doesn't seem completely out of Hot Toys realm of possibilities...
For a modelling competition on a scifi forum, i once made a speeder from a shampoo bottle, and the first time i saw the trailer with her speeder, it reminded me of my entry.
She sits on top, and i had my dude sitting underneath, but it had a similar vibe.
I'd love her speeder, but that will likely never happen unless it's a custom.
For a modelling competition on a scifi forum, i once made a speeder from a shampoo bottle, and the first time i saw the trailer with her speeder, it reminded me of my entry.
She sits on top, and i had my dude sitting underneath, but it had a similar vibe.
I'd love her speeder, but that will likely never happen unless it's a custom.