Mini Review of HT's MMS116 - Mech Test, Tony Stark.
1. Chest Arc Reactor light are power by batteries in the upper torso, switch and batteries' cover are at the back. Neck is fixed, only left a double ball joint at the based of the head. (3 Batt., 4.5v)
2. LED of the hands are powered by batteries in "the controller box". Power wires are actually the blue colour ones. The blue wires actually goes through the black sleeves near the elbows and snake into the forearms to power LEDs at the end of the ball joint of the wrist.
(3 Batt., 4.5v)
3. Each foot actually has its own batteries and switch, poor articulation, the front of the foot (which hold the batteries) has some, the ankle side movement is solely depending on the ball joint, pins at the side holds the feet and limits the range of the side movement. Could have implemented better..
(2 Batt., 3.0v)
4. Mechanical arm/robot is fun... fire-hose is a separate unit, can be detached (contrary to what the instructions says)
Removal of Arm Exo-Frame
1. Split open the forearm exo-frame, moderate force maybe needed, as it depends on how well HT glue your copy, your experience would vary.
2. Peel back the long black sleeves, Double tape is used at the end of the wrist.
3. Two screws hold the fore arm close, Pull the blue wires into the exo-armour more so some working slack is allowed. Slide the upper arm exo-frame up towards the shoulders and twist it to the side so that the screw near the elbow can be exposed. Un-screw both screws. U should be able to remove the LED (together within the plastic ball wrist) and wires from the forearms.
4. The LED "casing" should be small enough to pass through the hole in the black long sleeves. Slide the entire arm exo-frame out. Remove everything as you'll do with a normal TT body.
p.s. the wrist ball joint are the same size for Mk.3, Mk.2, BD Mk3. so you can swap the hands
-Narrow shoulder TT with fixed neck (Arc Reactor) and modified forearms. Still retain double-joint elbows.
-The area where the wires for the LED comes in (hole in the sleeves) are painted black. There are no rubber plugs for all the screws holes that a normal TT would have.
-The cloths and exo-frame... The hole in the grey shirt is smaller (than the hole of the black shirt) and the edges of the hole is stuffed around the "arc reactor".
-Arc Reactor through fabric.. looks quite natural.