Hot Toys - MMS125 Terminator 2: Judgment Day: 1/6 Scale T-1000 as Sarah Connor

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Re: HT- T2: T-1000 as Sarah Connor Sideshow SDCC PPO A- 7/1, NA- 7/2


When they make a fully functioning life-size animatronic, THEN that statement might be justified. Until then... fail. Actually, that's not just a fail, but a whole fail meal with desert; double fail with cheese, large fail shake, failfries and a fail sunday with nuts.

To be fair BM is just talking about the sculpt, which is a better likeness. And please don't ask HT to start making 1/1 animatronics or we will all be homeless!
Re: HT- T2: T-1000 as Sarah Connor Sideshow SDCC PPO A- 7/1, NA- 7/2

To be fair BM is just talking about the sculpt, which is a better likeness. And please don't ask HT to start making 1/1 animatronics or we will all be homeless!

Re: HT- T2: T-1000 as Sarah Connor Sideshow SDCC PPO A- 7/1, NA- 7/2

Me thinks Hot Toys has spoiled a few too many freaks in the past couple of years... :huh

Expectations are out of con-____ing-trol.
Re: HT- T2: T-1000 as Sarah Connor Sideshow SDCC PPO A- 7/1, NA- 7/2

Me thinks Hot Toys has spoiled a few too many freaks in the past couple of years... :huh

Expectations are out of con-____ing-trol.
Yep, I would say so. It is fair, though. If you keep raising the bar, people are no longer going to settle for mediocrity. That's part of how the free market works. Look how Hot Toys has compelled Sideshow to update their bodies, and forced DiD to do fancy updates to their head sculpts. Everyone benefits. . .except from a financial perspective, of course. Only Medicom refuses to change, and for that, they are DOA with most releases in the U.S.
Re: HT- T2: T-1000 as Sarah Connor Sideshow SDCC PPO A- 7/1, NA- 7/2

To be fair BM is just talking about the sculpt, which is a better likeness. And please don't ask HT to start making 1/1 animatronics or we will all be homeless!

I hope the T2 animatronics don't become self aware. :thud:
Re: HT- T2: T-1000 as Sarah Connor Sideshow SDCC PPO A- 7/1, NA- 7/2

Yep, I would say so. It is fair, though. If you keep raising the bar, people are no longer going to settle for mediocrity. That's part of how the free market works. Look how Hot Toys has compelled Sideshow to update their bodies, and forced DiD to do fancy updates to their head sculpts. Everyone benefits. . .except from a financial perspective, of course. Only Medicom refuses to change, and for that, they are DOA with most releases in the U.S.

Well, if you can say anything at all about HT with any degree of certainty it's that they constantly look to outdo themselves... They've really become their own competition.
Re: HT- T2: T-1000 as Sarah Connor Sideshow SDCC PPO A- 7/1, NA- 7/2

I think the sculpt on this version is much better and by far a superior version of the figure to get. Shame they made it exclusive, I'd have bought one otherwise. This was how we know Sarah for most of the movie too - hair down and pissed.
Re: HT- T2: T-1000 as Sarah Connor Sideshow SDCC PPO A- 7/1, NA- 7/2

Well, if you can say anything at all about HT with any degree of certainty it's that they constantly look to outdo themselves... They've really become their own competition.

Unfortunately, their Achilles heel will be their blatant ignoring of QC issues and their suckass customer service. :monkey4:monkey4:monkey4
Re: HT- T2: T-1000 as Sarah Connor Sideshow SDCC PPO A- 7/1, NA- 7/2

Language barrier doesn't help there though.
Re: HT- T2: T-1000 as Sarah Connor Sideshow SDCC PPO A- 7/1, NA- 7/2

Regardless, they still play ignorant after being shown pics.

There's one benefit to being in the states and waiting for the domestic shipment, we can see photos of production pieces in hand and cancel should we choose to do so. Too bad so many went out of their way to avoid the DC Direct shipment, but the lag between Asian release and DC Direct release is so damn ridiculous you can't blame people for not wanting to wait those extra few months.

Anyway, cluster ____. :lecture
Re: HT- T2: T-1000 as Sarah Connor Sideshow SDCC PPO A- 7/1, NA- 7/2

There's one benefit to being in the states and waiting for the domestic shipment, we can see photos of production pieces in hand and cancel should we choose to do so. Too bad so many went out of their way to avoid the DC Direct shipment, but the lag between Asian release and DC Direct release is so damn ridiculous you can't blame people for not wanting to wait those extra few months.

Anyway, cluster ____. :lecture

Sadly, it's not just limited to the DX02 either. :lol
Re: HT- T2: T-1000 as Sarah Connor Sideshow SDCC PPO A- 7/1, NA- 7/2

So I guess you could say Hot Toys, as a company, has a split personality? They're good at making nice, detailed figures yet their customer service and communication blows.

They've really become their own competition.

That's not really a good thing. If they don't have a rival company soon I'm sure they'll take short cuts and have shady business practices because people will still buy from them regardless.
Re: HT- T2: T-1000 as Sarah Connor Sideshow SDCC PPO A- 7/1, NA- 7/2

____, are you kidding me?

Well I guess this means that T-1000 head isn't going to come with any official T-1000 release so I've pretty much lost interest in this entire line. I'm not paying an extra $150 for that damn thing and that would really have made the T-1000 stand out and look like more then just a cop.

May change my mind if they redo the endo.
Re: HT- T2: T-1000 as Sarah Connor Sideshow SDCC PPO A- 7/1, NA- 7/2

That's not really a good thing. If they don't have a rival company soon I'm sure they'll take short cuts and have shady business practices because people will still buy from them regardless.

Evidence of that plagues the DX02 thread sadly.
Re: HT- T2: T-1000 as Sarah Connor Sideshow SDCC PPO A- 7/1, NA- 7/2

What do you suggest that people do, though? Boycott Hot Toys? No one is happy with Hot Toys' ____ty customer service. But as I said in the DX thread, unless they get serious competition, I'm not gonna stop buying Hot Toys figures because of the QC issues they have had thus far. The only way they are gonna hear is through people speaking with their pocketbooks. If Medicom, Sideshow, Enterbay, or whomever steps up and gets those licenses and can create a comparably priced product of comparable quality, I would happily buy from them instead. As it stands, despite the QC issue, Hot Toys is miles ahead of anyone else on those fronts.
Re: HT- T2: T-1000 as Sarah Connor Sideshow SDCC PPO A- 7/1, NA- 7/2

What do you suggest that people do, though? Boycott Hot Toys? No one is happy with Hot Toys' ____ty customer service. But as I said in the DX thread, unless they get serious competition, I'm not gonna stop buying Hot Toys figures because of the QC issues they have had thus far. The only way they are gonna hear is through people speaking with their pocketbooks. If Medicom, Sideshow, Enterbay, or whomever steps up and gets those licenses and can create a comparably priced product of comparable quality, I would happily buy from them instead. As it stands, despite the QC issue, Hot Toys is miles ahead of anyone else on those fronts.

Yep. I know it pisses people off but what are you going to do? You either like what you see and buy it or you don't.
Re: HT- T2: T-1000 as Sarah Connor Sideshow SDCC PPO A- 7/1, NA- 7/2

There will soon be a T-1000 figure out, I am sure, so I will hold my ammo for th ereal T-1000 figure.
Re: HT- T2: T-1000 as Sarah Connor Sideshow SDCC PPO A- 7/1, NA- 7/2

Hot Toys QC issues still beats even the best Sideshow has to offer.