Hot Toys - MMS130 - Predators: Berserker Predator (Full Spec & Pics)

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Oh its on par. I don't expect more, actually I like it a lot. I just had a few things to point out.

Almost everything is on par with my expectations because I have no expectations.


"Like a fingah pointing to da moon. Focus on da fingah, and you miss all da heavenry glory."​
I just find it funny that no matter how bad @ss something is, people can still find things wrong with it. Nothing will ever be on par with peoples expectations.

I feel that way a lot, if they saw what went down in the 80's with toys.... oh man would they have a fit.

These things are phenomenal today. I'm so lucky I have monies.... :peace
Good enough never is... just ask SilentSurfer. :lol

I knew that was coming, and that's a problem....

I agree and then I don't....

Because damn near perfection and I would say that looks awesome... and be done with it...

I think today's age is spoiled. BRING on the FLAMES>......
Snoop dog, take a chill pill and don't be up in my grill because I stated a few flaws. Hot Toys does fix problems, thats very true. If I kept silent then there would be no change. Maybe change will happen, who knows. I'll live just fine without any modifications, I'm perfectly content. Skiman, 80s toys kicked ass!
People complain because Hot Toys listen to us and fix problems. Thats it, the more we complain the more acurate the figures are.

I don't want a flame war, but the incessant tweaser-picking, retentive Freaks constantly use this strawman argument of justification for their overcritical BS. There's constructive critique and then there's blatant douchbaggery. It's a fine line that's crossed several times without fail here time and again by entitlement collectors.
Snoop dog, take a chill pill and don't be up in my grill because I stated a few flaws. Hot Toys does fix problems, thats very true. If I kept silent then there would be no change. Maybe change will happen, who knows. I'll live just fine without any modifications, I'm perfectly content. Skiman, 80s toys kicked ass!

Are u sure? :monkey3 I think you would hate all the toys I would have from that era....
I don't want a flame war, but the incessant tweaser-picking, retentive Freaks constantly use this strawman argument of justification for their overcritical BS. There's constructive critique and then there's blatant douchbaggery. It's a fine line that's crossed several times without fail here.

Only if people shared your attitude maybe we would still have the spoiler Predators thread :(
Are u sure? :monkey3 I think you would hate all the toys I would have from that era....

:lecture:rotfl:lecture:rotfl:lecture :exactly:

Only if people shared your attitude maybe we would still have the spoiler Predators thread :(

That was a result of poor moderation and then moderator frustration at having to deal with the monster that'd been ignored for days (despite umpteen reports) and the freaks who were tired of it. Nothing more.
I don't want a flame war, but the incessant tweaser-picking, retentive Freaks constantly use this strawman argument of justification for their overcritical BS. There's constructive critique and then there's blatant douchbaggery. It's a fine line that's crossed several times without fail here.
I don't believe I was being overcritical, they seemed like something big. Now I am not a fan of picking things apart either, its stupid in my eyes, but for some things, HT does fix. Only one thing on my list that I love to see change and that would be the bio. But thats not a big deal, I can easily fix it myself.
Are u sure? :monkey3 I think you would hate all the toys I would have from that era....
I have seen those figures. I used to go to a toy mall, The Earth Toy Mall and look at the vintage figures from many lines. It was awesome, except for the MOTU ____.......:monkey3
Hey, I love this guy. My only nitpicks are that we might lose some poseability and the head has some tiny innacuracies. But the P1 had the same issue (and then the size problems that I easily shrugged off), and I still think, at least until these come out, that he's the best HT Predator to date. That's all my opinion, of course. Berserker looks great. I'd be ecstatic to pick him up and maybe even sell off my older HT Preds to get the other two from the film.
I don't believe I was being overcritical, they seemed like something big. Now I am not a fan of picking things apart either, its stupid in my eyes, but for some things, HT does fix. Only one thing on my list that I love to see change and that would be the bio. But thats not a big deal, I can easily fix it myself.

IMHO if it ain't enough to prevent you from buying the figure, it's not worth pointing it out. Doing so just leads to the overall teabaggery posts by people justifying their inability to afford high-end figures by nitpicking the ____ out of them.
After seeing screenshots of this character next to the Hot Toys version, i don't want any changes what so ever!, none! looks better then the screen used costume.
To be honest I don't care about the poseability at all. In reality I'll probably only display him in 2 or 3 poses anyways. As long as he looks awesome and is fully detailed I'll buy it, and then I'll worry about which way to pose him.