Hot Toys - MMS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

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Here's a tweaked version:

There's definitely a problem with the neck stitching...
what happened here? :dunno


I don't want to panic just yet, but I sold both my Medi regular Spidey and black Spidey expecting HT's to bee the ultimate Spidey figures... but these pics have me a bit worried...
hopefully someone will futz him and snap better pics soon... :pray:
Looks nice, but unfortunately with SUCH amazing work being done On other HT products like the upcoming Cap I'm going to have to pass on this one. Congrats to others who pick this one up.
Looks excellent from the front, not so much from the back (but the seam has to be somewhere). I'm finding myself somewhat bothered by the toyish look of the relaxed hand sculpts. Won't be using them though, so no big deal I guess.
that latest batch of photos is looking better. everytim some new ones get posted i geta little more reassurance. ill most likely preorder today from CSC unless someone knows of a HK seller on ebay with a better price.
There's definitely a problem with the neck stitching...
what happened here? :dunno


I don't want to panic just yet, but I sold both my Medi regular Spidey and black Spidey expecting HT's to bee the ultimate Spidey figures... but these pics have me a bit worried...
hopefully someone will futz him and snap better pics soon... :pray:

If i get one with a huge neck seem problem i'm gonna get a replacement from SSC.
Here's a tweaked version:


Mego Spiderman! I loved that figure as a kid , not bad for a massed produced toy from the 70's .

I like what I've seen with HT Spidey so far , ordered mine direct from SSC using a visa gift card that was given to me by my work.

Since it covers the cost for Spidey , shipping , and I get reward points I have no room to complain.
I like the production webbing and the reduced visibility of the suit pattern much more than the proto. There's nothing wrong with the neck seem to me other than needing to be futzed a bit.
It's a pretty awesome figure, and I agree with the sentiment that the pics seem to keep getting better. There are some cool features like the webbing on costume, the eyes etc. I just think they really should have made a new slimmer type body for this, especially around the arms, even the head could do with a little narrowing around the jaw-line/chin area. Also the wrists and neck could have been done a bit more seamless, but of course "futzing" will help. As someone said Hot Toys have earnt 1 figure to be "off". But overall I still think it's a cool spiderman figure with the pose options (especially in spideys case to make it look good) and fabric, will be fun to have in hand..