Hot Toys - MMS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

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Yeah, but you've got photos from a collector versus photos from a photographer who has the tools of a professional studio.

There's a reason why your Big Mac never looks like the ones on the menus.

I doubt the ones pictured on the menus are edible.
WOW what a beautiful figure, the webbing on the suit looks perfect and Im glad they toned down the brick patterns on the fabric. Looks Great
That might be an easy fix. Push the shoulders down or pull the head off and pull up on the neck fabric before putting the head back on.

Head doesn't come off, it is stitched into the suit.

Compared to the prototype it looks like simply brilliant step forward in likeness.
If before I not wanted to get it because of the mediocre proto... now I am very thoughtful...

Hope that all this production problems w/be solved for the 2nd worldwide bunch as always.

I like it, although I wish they went with a slimmer body under the suit. The arms and shoulders are a bit too buff.
Hmm... why didn't they use the hot toys Bruce Lee body, I have that one, very impressive, (if anyone has the Bruce Lee, you'll know what I mean)

Still need to see pics in natural daylight, please, these pics make the blue look black :monkey4
It's a bit "puffy" around the neck, but I suppose this was a compromise for the person who had to stitch that together such that the lines in the costume matched up and perhaps to avoid tearing around that area when posing/twisting the head. It doesn't really bother me.
I'm liking & excited to be getting this. I have the Medi Spiderman but this blows that away. Now bring on the Black Spiderman, they'll look awesome side by side.
I'm glad they were able to find a way to make the boots cloth. Can't wait to see more dynamic poses from the early adopters.
I like the silver webbing, that was my main concern on the proto so I'm really glad they fixed that.