Hot Toys - MMS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

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They are just what you need, good sir.



:exactly: how these pics show, I think the bruce lee body would've been excellent, It's insanely posable...c'mon hot toys it's spidey!! :gah:

Oh well, still can't wait to get mine

I'm sure we'll be seeing a custom using the bruce lee soon enough :banana
I'm sorry guys but the proto pic posted above looks like _____ compared to the actual release. What a great improvement!
Spidey's face looks off to me...the stitching around the chin area like some mentioned doesn't seem as well done as the proto...the eyes to me don't look right either...need more pics to decide whether to pick this guy up or not... on the plus side they did improve the spider logo on his chest and the netting color scheme is more film accurate.
With all the complaints towards this figure, is there really a better alternative? If you want a Spiderman figure in your collection, this would be it wouldn't it?

I don't see me cancelling this order :D
Huh. I'm not sure if I like this...the seams were expected in mass production, the fabric boots I really don't care about but one thing that is really bugging me is that in the proto the patterning on the red suit was very vibrant and stuck out, whereas on the production its more muted, almost invisible in some shots. You'd think that'd be a hit in the right direction but looking at it, it makes the red portions look rather bland.

I'll need more pics before I decide whether or not to get him.
Now don't get me wrong, from what I can see in the early pics,
the webbing looks amazing, and the spiders look much better than the proto, as well as the fabric patterns. And they changed the boots even though the plastic ones didn't really bother me.
I just hope the neck fabric bulk is just due to lack of futzing, and not as noticeable in hand...
Still pumped up about this guy...
Too much goodness coming up!!
I'm picking up Thor today, have these pre-ordered:

- Kevin Flynn
- Odin
- Spiderman
- Jack Sparrow
- Indiana Jones
- Supes
Huh. I'm not sure if I like this...the seams were expected in mass production, the fabric boots I really don't care about but one thing that is really bugging me is that in the proto the patterning on the red suit was very vibrant and stuck out, whereas on the production its more muted, almost invisible in some shots. You'd think that'd be a hit in the right direction but looking at it, it makes the red portions look rather bland.

I'll need more pics before I decide whether or not to get him.

Well the patterning in the red was pretty muted compared to the blue in the film as well but it changes depending on the lighting. If anything the patterning in the blue is too pronounced on the figure. The lighting is different but it looks pretty close to me although the eye shape is off. :panic:


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That is why there was no switch out head. They wanted a seamless suit.

I agree, it's spidey!-Spider-man 3 that is, I think you just have to futz with the mask a little, this guy taking pics, needs to futz with it more.

I thought Spidey 3's costume was very different looking, more muted like someone said from 2 and especially 1. Really wish they did 2's outfit instead, much more natural to toby's physical form.

Still time thought to make 2 :pray: :)
You'd think people would get more excited about the fact that HT changed the boots from the solid material to fabric.

The ankles are flexible now. That's a major upgrade, folks.
There's pics up on HT Facebook. I would post them, but I'm replying from my phone right now.
Plenty of pics here:

Posted far above in this thread.

The lighting is different but it looks pretty close to me although the eye shape is off. :panic:

The whole figure is off.
But what is the point? None of HTproduct has never been even 90% close to the ideal.
We should be happy that at least sometimes they're working on the bugs and makes a decent product closer to release.
You'd think people would get more excited about the fact that HT changed the boots from the solid material to fabric.

The ankles are flexible now. That's a major upgrade, folks.

exactly but yet they still complain :dunno