Hot Toys - MMS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

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I can understand the hate towards the third film, it took a dip in quality at that point but I feel like alot of people forget how good the first two films were.

I don't know where your getting this idea that people hate the whole movie series?:cuckoo: ...i believe most people like the first two movies!:dunno Some will argue that the reboot was not needed.
90% of the time I believe HT fixes things on their own. A prototype is just that, work in progress and not final.

I think this is probably most likely true.

And on another note most people do love/enjoy the SM movies. Like Meatloaf sings "two outta three aint bad".

(Although myself i think EMO Pete and dancing Peter to James Brown are the best parts of 3)
I don't know where your getting this idea that people hate the whole movie series?:cuckoo: ...i believe most people like the first two movies!:dunno Some will argue that the reboot was not needed.

Just reading posts in this thread, there are alot more "never really liked the series" and "I always disliked the spidey films" than I expected. :dunno
Jeez, I'm having flashbacks to that movie now. Oh, how pissed I was leaving. I couldn't believe how Sam Raimi et al. produced that. Still hard to believe. I haven't watched it again since I saw it in the theater. And the first half of the movie was so good, too.
Jeez, I'm having flashbacks to that movie now. Oh, how pissed I was leaving. I couldn't believe how Sam Raimi et al. produced that. Still hard to believe. I haven't watched it again since I saw it in the theater. And the first half of the movie was so good, too.

You can thank Sony for a lot of the problems with the movie.(Avi Arad etc) And that is the reason for no Raimi in SM4, despite what they've said. (he wanted free reign like the first two, and they just couldn't let him be)

/back on topic sorry.
I see your point. But like someone else said, if the community didn't point out flaws the company wouldn't strive to reach a better standard. I think the consumer has a fair reason to voice displeasure if something very obvious is very off when considering the cost of these high end collectibles opposed to the Spidey toys you may find at Walmart.

:exactly: HT sculpted, molded and cast those boots. And then to not use them in the final product its a waste of time and energy, so i could imagine if no one said anything, HT would say well no ones complaining, lets just go with what we got,we're done. Put the design team on next project, we're ahead of schedule

And then other times it doesn't matter what we say (no extra sculpt for Thor) I appreciate that they actually react to their customers. Very few companies even bother to acknowledge complaints let alone try to fix something. Most times the prototype IS the final product.

What I don't get is if people are really fans of the character (or film,) why even consider passing if the figure isn't 100% perfect? Even on an off day, Hot Toys still delivers a high-quality product. If you love the character, or the films/comics that inspired it, why be so picky and pass on a still-solid representation?

I agree usualy when they make a character, its probably the best we will get. But I can understand passing on something just cause of design. Like the Spidey Reboot, Im expecting the film to be good and if HT makes a figure I know it will be an excellent representation. But I absolutely hate the costume design, its just horrendous. This is the 'nipples on the Batsuit' version of spiderman and I would never spend $100 on anything related to it. (However I understand that doesn't determine the quality of the film itself)

I already know in a years time after the reboot is released, no one will recognize that look as 'Spiderman' so I don't want a figure of it. They needed to change the costume in order to signify that it was a reboot and say "Hey, this is something totally different! LOOK OVER HERE!, This is new and interesting!" If they make a sequel the new costume would be geared back to the original design.........or they might go even further in the other direction :monkey4
when i first saw the prototype i had no interest at all, but these 3 pics, especially the second one, sold me.
the second picture looks like it's a real guy in a spider-man suit.

I just realized i have this on order at toys2 as well. I guess if they get it first i'll go through them :)
I don't know if any of you folks get the same vibe, but the HT figure really emphasizes for me, what I always kinda thought about the Tobey suit. It harkens back to the John Romita Spidey of the 70s in a lot of ways - which is beautiful!! The somewhat similar placement of the eyes, the sparse webbing - & even the bulky physique of the figure, it all reminds me of Romita's art.
Just wondering what your collective thoughts are on this people?
Im new to buying a Hot Toys figure and i was wondering where can i get the best price for UK?

i see hat sideshow has a great PO price and they liet you do flex pay but the shipping is alot (and the chance of getting taxed to ____)

is ordering from sideshow my best bet?

(also im wondering about the new batman begins figure aswell for UK) thanks
This figure is simply fantastic. However, it's taking every bit of willpower I have to pass on this. I was never a Spidey fan, despite the fact that I'm a Marvel guy through and through (it was always X-Men, Iron Man and Cap when I was a kid in the late 70s/early 80s), so I'm holding strong. But seeing these photos really takes me back to having and playing with the Mego 9" and 12" Spidey action figures as a kid. I remember the 12" one had a reservoir in his forearm that you filled with clear sticky liquid (GROSS!) and you squeezed it to squirt the stuff from his wrist.

Damn, this crop of great figures in the past few weeks has been brutal! Supes, Cap, this Spidey, now the new Batman, and rumors of Boba Fett, Grevious and Vader...Torture! For me there was a real dry spell for the past couple of years. I barely ordered any figures--maybe about 4 a year. But now all these great figures are flooding in at the same time!
Im new to buying a Hot Toys figure and i was wondering where can i get the best price for UK?

i see hat sideshow has a great PO price and they liet you do flex pay but the shipping is alot (and the chance of getting taxed to ____)

is ordering from sideshow my best bet?

(also im wondering about the new batman begins figure aswell for UK) thanks

Kapow toys are good and postage is free on anything over £50 and £125 is the cheapest ive seen for the UK next to OSB:

I always buy through Onesixthbruce as the laywaway option is great as well as customer service and their packaging, but he's sold out for spidey:
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Mine was shipped yesterday, 170$ +35, not a bad deal afterall.. :)

I had'nt plan to buy it, because judging by the proto pics, did'nt like to much.. however after seeing so many "amazing" in hand pics and see the improvements that HT have been made on him.. man I could'nt resist!! :yess:
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Mine was shipped yesterday, 170$ +35, not a bad deal afterall.. :)

I had'nt plan to buy it, because judging by the proto pics, did'nt like to much.. however after seeing so many "amazing" in hand pics and see the improvements that HT have been made on him.. man I could'nt resist :yess:

I'm in the exact same boat as you. At first I was glad I didn't POed it, but then after seeing some specific pics in this thread, I decided to buy it. It does have its flaws, but if posed correctly it's an awesome fig.