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lol no way CSC has charged anyone for Spidey yet...I havent even been charged for Thor yet and he came in yesterday hahahah...still says pending in my account
it could be because SS is a big corporate company and CSC is just a private business, meaning because SS has thousands of pre orders that are placed, on a hot item such as some hot toys, they order through their distribution in large bulk orders, for the popular imported items, they start to fill the first set of pre orders, like their exclusives first, which puts a slight delay on the shipments. I think being a smaller franchise, in CSC, the international distributor looks to fill their orders a little quicker, because the orders aren't as extreme, and who knows maybe CSC has an arrangement with the intl distributor too fill their supply first, eventhough, CSC, works with SS :slap

Triad toys and goodstufftogo is another prime example of a combo.

I really think BBTS doesn't initially order that big of a stock, to begin with a particular brand like hot toys, I guess that is why they sell out of the p o's rather quickly, maybe that's why there hot toys stock comes the latest if not last. But when it comes to other huge brands like g.I.Joe or transformers, they seem to order plenty, that is why they seem to get the new lines before any other company in stock, such as Star Wars. :lecture
I emailed Eric, he told me that they are receiving their shipments around the end of the month

SS says August on thier website but they are probably saying that to cover themselves . Since the E-tailers are saying end of July and the e-tailers get the HT stuff directly form SS I would say the end of Jully is a safe bet . I'm guessing that Spidey is already enroute to the U.S.
or will be soon .
SS says August on thier website but they are probably saying that to cover themselves . Since the E-tailers are saying end of July and the e-tailers get the HT stuff directly form SS I would say the end of Jully is a safe bet . I'm guessing that Spidey is already enroute to the U.S.
or will be soon .

That may be, but I've never seen SS ship anything in the last week of a month, if others get it in stock the last week, it seems SS always waits to ship in the beginning of the following month, or in most cases the second week ,they like to start fresh for the new months, perhaps, to separate the exclusives from the regular pre orders. :monkey4
That may be, but I've never seen SS ship anything in the last week of a month, if others get it in stock the last week, it seems SS always waits to ship in the beginning of the following month, or in most cases the second week ,they like to start fresh for the new months, perhaps, to separate the exclusives from the regular pre orders. :monkey4

Except in Spideys case there are no exclusives . I've been ordering SW 1:6 products from SS for 6 years now and exclusive or not I have always had my orders ship a week or more before the e-tailers get

With that being said this is my first Hot Toys order through SS and the first time I've obtianed a HT product as a new release , I'm going under the assumption that SS handles HT orders in the same respect as thier own prodcts with individual customers receiving them first but I guess we will see. Also Cornerstore is out west so if SS ships to E-tailers
and reg customers at the same time , they would get thier stuff in a few days before the folks in the Mid West and East Coast.

BBTS has really gone down hill as of late with how they handle thier SS and HT orders as well as how they handle the 3 3/4 figures for SW if
you only want individual figures .

I try to avoid using them now unless the product is in stock , plus
thjer prices have also gone way up.
BBTS was the last to sell out when it came to Ghost Rider i believe. Figured it would have been the same with Spidey. Anyway whoever is on the fence about this one better snatch it up quick before you're paying 250.00 for him on ebay.
Ok just spoke with SS and hope this clears this up , as of yesterday morning Spiderman was slated to arrive in July but
then it was changed to August yesterday afternoon so thats probbaly why e-tailers are saying end of July .

SS ships out E-tailer orders once they receive payment which probably why BBTS takes forever because they take forever to pay SS on some stuff. Anyhow foR HT they ship Individual orders at the same time as E-tailers as they receive thier payment from them.

It takes 3 weeks for products shipped for HK to arrive in the SS Warehouse so if its shipped from HK there is still a chance for end of July but my contact seemed to think first week of August.

I have had plenty of orders where they say a certain month only for it to arrive the last week of the pervious month , and have seen orders pushed back, but since its out in HK it should be in a few weeks

The wait sucks but it will be worth it. I have the SDCC Clone to keep me busy until early August.
it still says preorder, charge me csc, charge me!

kc2813000 has officially broke my heart, with his tall tales.

Here's thing, I'm not joking or lying about being charged for this. If they said end of the month, What the hell did I get charged for? I'll just have to find out a different way.
While having to have the money in hand isn't always easy or fun, this is one reason I like paying with Paypal. No "Oh man, when these two/three/etc figures ship, it's going to kill me!" If I've bought the figure with Paypal, I know it's paid for and I just have to look forward to the figure arriving.
Who cares who got what first??? They get them in when they get them in... Ive had my Spidy ordered since the first week he went up almost over at BBTS... As long as I get the figure in the end makes little difference how long it takes to me...