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While having to have the money in hand isn't always easy or fun, this is one reason I like paying with Paypal. No "Oh man, when these two/three/etc figures ship, it's going to kill me!" If I've bought the figure with Paypal, I know it's paid for and I just have to look forward to the figure arriving.

Best way to budget.... :hi5:
Here's thing, I'm not joking or lying about being charged for this. If they said end of the month, What the hell did I get charged for? I'll just have to find out a different way.

im guessing you got charged for thor. as nick said, he has recieved his thor and still not got charged yet. so im sure you were just charged late on thor and its confusing you into thinking its for spidey. just a guess.
ok wait, does anyone know if Corner Store Comics charges credit cards for duplicate orders if it's a pre-order? I pre-ordered two Spidermans from them. The original was 134.99, and the second was 149.99. I also have a resident evil afterlife alice on pre-order for a little bit under 149.99, but that can't be what I was charged for due to the 14.95 UPS shipping. Only the Spiderman figure for 149.99 plus the 14.95 equals 164.94 out of all my pre-orders.:dunno
ok wait, does anyone know if Corner Store Comics charges credit cards for duplicate orders if it's a pre-order? I pre-ordered two Spidermans from them. The original was 134.99, and the second was 149.99. I also have a resident evil afterlife alice on pre-order for a little bit under 149.99, but that can't be what I was charged for due to the 14.95 UPS shipping. Only the Spiderman figure for 149.99 plus the 14.95 equals 164.94 out of all my pre-orders.:dunno

just sign in and check your account. or email them.
Ok just spoke with SS and hope this clears this up , as of yesterday morning Spiderman was slated to arrive in July but
then it was changed to August yesterday afternoon so thats probbaly why e-tailers are saying end of July .

SS ships out E-tailer orders once they receive payment which probably why BBTS takes forever because they take forever to pay SS on some stuff. Anyhow foR HT they ship Individual orders at the same time as E-tailers as they receive thier payment from them.

It takes 3 weeks for products shipped for HK to arrive in the SS Warehouse so if its shipped from HK there is still a chance for end of July but my contact seemed to think first week of August.

I have had plenty of orders where they say a certain month only for it to arrive the last week of the pervious month , and have seen orders pushed back, but since its out in HK it should be in a few weeks

The wait sucks but it will be worth it. I have the SDCC Clone to keep me busy until early August.

It's good to know that you have a close contact at SSC, thanks for the info. It makes sense I have to believe that the reason BBTS does pay last that it's not a priority to pay for certain products like imported stock of hot toys, it seems they focus on getting more of the mainstream toyline s like Star Wars , G.IJoe and Transformer products first above other retailers. :pfft:
i dont know guys i really want to love this figure, but he may be a tad too big, look at him in this pic.


may have to cancel my preorder...