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hi, im not sure if you got my last email, but i thought i would go into some details for you, now i know that a newcomer ( im not sure if your a newcomer ) to my channel and sees the word Review in the title will expect someone talking and saying awesome every 4 seconds, ( im joking : ) i love watching reviews, But im trying my own thing, and hopefully the viewer will come away knowing weather or not they are feeling the figure, i show the film clips as a constant point of reference, that`s the movie, that`s the figure, that`s the movie, that`s the figure so you can see just how much these things look like the real person or creature, there still may be unanswered questions once the video ends like what does the box look like and can it do this pose and that pose, but i don`t leave out the most dynamic pose photo`s, they are in the videos to the best i could do without messing up the figure, so i show as much as i can to show what it is capable of movement wise. as for the box i like to leave that as a surprise for who ever gets it, but they probably see it anyways some place else lol but i try to leave a little to the imagination, Reviews are not for me to do really, i feel more at home doing what i do, but as i said in the last email, i have to call the Goodshipped videos ( Reviews ) because leo told me to, i could suggest to him that we call them showcases but i honestly feel if you look into the clips a little deeper you may see what it is im trying to do, im just trying to show just how damn awesome these little works of art are, and the amount of time it took to make that spiderman clip and how tired and cranky i was at the time of your comment coming, i was kind like ( you dont think i know that ) kind of mind state, plus i had just had an email from some _______ simply telling me that my videos are ____ and i should get a life and so on, it was a night of haters, it happens sometimes, but anyways your comment came at a bad time and im slowly getting more views which bring the nastie`s out of the wood work and i have only blocked 3 people since day one, for much worse than what you said, and i know you dont think there was anything wrong or rude about what you said but i kinda feel different about it, i saw your comments on sideshow freaks, im not childish but i do take what i do very seriously and i dont like it when people leave anything negative so i remove the comment if it happens, most people leave them there, i dont. its a place to come and see 1/6 figure`s looking cool with some good music and good times are there to be had my friend thats why i unblocked you because i would hope if you are new to the channel you will come and spend some time there. if you still think im a big lumbering numpty ( not your words i know ) that`s totally cool with me, i wont lose any sleep over it ( wink wink ) but i hope we can be bestest friends! or perhaps just understand each other a little better after all this internet shizznit life is hard as it is man lets just all peace out not judge so hard, you must have seen that the video took some effort to make ( 15 hours constant work made bu just me in my tiny bedroom ) and you didnt think i would find your comment a little annoying? i just want you to understand my side a bit clearer. i much prefer to get along with people man, there is still hope for us lol Dean

yes i left the comment on his video and my comment read something like this,

"might i suggest you remove the word 'review' from your title as the video is only movie clips and footage of the figure. there is no actual review of the product."

it's his channel and he can do whatever he wants but i'll leave it up to you guys if you think my comment was worthy of deletion and me being blocked. a simple response from him would've sufficed. he may have had some nasty comments, but they weren't from me. do i still think he's childish? i sure do. my whole point is when i type in "hot toys spider-man review", i expect the results to find me videos with an actual review of the product. a falsely identified video is a waste of my time. if i want to watch a bunch of movie clips ill watch the movie. but hey, if that's what it takes for him to up his view count then so be it.

this is the last i'll say about this because frankly this whole thing is ridiculous.

I agreed with Ninetenjoe that when a video is called a review it should actually give a review in the form of voice or text(at the time,i had no idea loontentoys was calling the shots on the video title),but really?where the hell is the harm in that!?:dunno did any of us actually dis his work ..NO!
I think you need to go and get that stick up your ass removed!:slap

Dino it was Nintenjoe that left the commet on Dean's video not me.

..ya i can see it from Deans point of view now:):peace ..but before seeing deans message i felt no shame in backing up Ninetenjoe, from the outside the removal of his comment did look unfair, and i honestly find it ridiculousness hottoysjoker is accusing us both of bashing deans work over that wtf?

Anyway that's the last i will say on this matter.

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I agreed with Ninetenjoe that when a video is called a review it should actually give a review in the form of voice or text(at the time,i had no idea loontentoys was calling the shots on the video title),but really?where the hell is the harm in that!?:dunno did any of us actually dis his work ..NO!
I think you need to go and get that stick up your ass removed!:slap

Dino it was Nintenjoe that left the commet on Dean's video not me.

..ya i can see it from Deans point of view now:):peace ..but before seeing deans message i felt no shame in backing up Ninetenjoe, from the outside the removal of his comment did look unfair, and i honestly find it ridiculousness hottoysjoker is accusing us both of bashing deans work over that wtf?

Anyway that's the last i will say on this matter.


Thats it for me on this matter too...

By the way some one unsubed form me on youtube at the very same time this whole thing began I wonder who that was???
yes i left the comment on his video and my comment read something like this,

"might i suggest you remove the word 'review' from your title as the video is only movie clips and footage of the figure. there is no actual review of the product."

it's his channel and he can do whatever he wants but i'll leave it up to you guys if you think my comment was worthy of deletion and me being blocked. a simple response from him would've sufficed. he may have had some nasty comments, but they weren't from me. do i still think he's childish? i sure do. my whole point is when i type in "hot toys spider-man review", i expect the results to find me videos with an actual review of the product. a falsely identified video is a waste of my time. if i want to watch a bunch of movie clips ill watch the movie. but hey, if that's what it takes for him to up his view count then so be it.

this is the last i'll say about this because frankly this whole thing is ridiculous.

Dean asked me to post this.

Nintenjoe i sent you 2 private messages to try and put things right with you and you ignored me and just went on sideshow freaks and kept on about it, i told you i have to call my clips for Goodshipped ( Reviews ) because thats what Leo wants them to be called even if im just doing what i always do, and you say that i include movie clips to get views! i show film clips to constantly remind the viewer how much the figure looks like the character or creature from the film, and because its fun to work with when editing to a song, i could have stopped using film footage a long time ago and made partner with youtube without copyright problems and made a little change for myself. a person who uses film footage in clips for youtube is making life pretty hard for themselves, and music is always an issue. Of course i want to get views dude! but that is Not why the film clips and there, and then the final was when you said (( when i type in "hot toys spider-man review", i expect the results to find me videos with an actual review of the product. a falsely identified video is a waste of my time. if i want to watch a bunch of movie clips ill watch the movie. but hey, if that's what it takes for him to up his view count then so be it.)) after that i want nothing to do with you, your Blocked again for good this time. The rest of you guys can say what you will but my beef was with Nintenjoe not with any of you other collectors. I want to say that DinoLast is in no way involved with this bull____ he is simply posting these messages for me.
Great sig nick.

I didn't want to post that because it was off topic but it really is cool. Shame there isn't a Cap in that but that will all change I'm assuming?

Even more off topic does Deanknight333 not have a freaks acount of his own? I thought I saw him posting a while ago.
Is that Toby or Ken :lol Those eyes remind me of Chucky :panic:, good grief! At one point I was thinking of getting the tonner figures, thank god I didn't, :slap

Definitely, the knit hands are horrible, hot toys made a good choice

But you know Toby can look like a mannikin sometimes :lol

his boots quit on him they no longer wish to hold on to his calf or shin :rotfl its definitely official HT has cornered the market on Spidey
Oh I did not know it was you.
Dean contacted me about that, and asked me to pass a message on.

Remember I am just passing the message on

He didn't do all that great in english class then... that's too painful to read. I think it's bloody embarrassing when people start typing 2 for u and 4 and all that texting jargon.

However, I thought his videos were fantastic. Too bad about his typing. Huge wall of text you could end up all trippy with.
yes i left the comment on his video and my comment read something like this,

"might i suggest you remove the word 'review' from your title as the video is only movie clips and footage of the figure. there is no actual review of the product."

it's his channel and he can do whatever he wants but i'll leave it up to you guys if you think my comment was worthy of deletion and me being blocked. a simple response from him would've sufficed. he may have had some nasty comments, but they weren't from me. do i still think he's childish? i sure do. my whole point is when i type in "hot toys spider-man review", i expect the results to find me videos with an actual review of the product. a falsely identified video is a waste of my time. if i want to watch a bunch of movie clips ill watch the movie. but hey, if that's what it takes for him to up his view count then so be it.

this is the last i'll say about this because frankly this whole thing is ridiculous.


For a bunch of toy collectors people sure do get upset. Allow people to have his or her own opinion it isnt the end of the world if you disagree with them.
I'm really tempted to pick this up, it looks awesome. The only thing that's putting me off a little is that seam on the top of his head.
It's really eye catching in some shots...most probably made worse but the HD cameras.
So just wondering how does it look in hand?
Wasn't going to get one but just ordered 2 after seeing this pic:


Going to try and make my Scarlet Spider. I love the Scarlet Spider.
For a bunch of toy collectors people sure do get upset. Allow people to have his or her own opinion it isnt the end of the world if you disagree with them.

Thank you! Some folks on here act as if people aren't suppose to disagree with each other or have differing opinions regarding any HT figure. Agreeing to disagree isn't a bad thing.
Well I agree that when the discussion has played itself out, that's what people should do. However people who disagree with your opinion have the right as to tell you why.
Agreed. The problem is that there is name calling along the way that makes folks sound really ridiculous to other folks.