Hot Toys - MMS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

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The new Spidey reboot will pleasantly surprise a lot of people that will never admit it.

Just like with Heath Ledger as Joker and X-Men:First Class, if it's a good movie, the costume will eventually be a moot point and while some people will just never like it, most of the complaints will die down and the thread for the Hot Toys Spidey figure for that costume will be a bunch of :yess: :clap :hi5: :impatient:

Greatest gif ever. :lol
After watching that trailer, I can say I like the direction of really getting back to basics with the origin involving peter's parents no less:rock2

But though i like the fact of Gwen Stacey being the love interest as she was in the comic originally, does anyone think it's more than bizarre, to have Emma put on a white blonde wig, and play the part,

I mean all forces on earth can easily see her as MJ, just on the fact that she's a true redhead. :slap :slap

Oh well, we'll wait and see.
Black Spidey is coming... Look left

I guess the HT Cap is going to be a nice piece after all.

Nice they got the black spidey coming out, but I hope they realize the subtle differences in the red/blue suit and the black one, manily between the insignias. :pray:
Does this have it's own thread yet? I searched but didn't find it :D


Looks cool, but I prefer red & blue Spidey :D

Edit: Oops, from MWCToys :D