Hot Toys - MMS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

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Honeslty this figure :rock I had to compare several in hand and finally got one that i was pretty pleased with. One very minor area where the stitiching was off slightly but i can deal with that.
"Screw you, pal! I'm the God-damned Spider-Man!"


Lets face it, unless theres kryptonite involved Superman would annihilate any other superhero in a fight....although I grant you I don't know much about this Thor fellow.
I dont think its possible for a somewhat mass produced figure in this scale with this much stitching to ever be 100% perfect

YOU said it- it's not a perfect crafted replica someone spent hours poring over- it is a production figure produced at a factory...never will it be perfect!:lecture
Honestly speaking, we are getting so much for the price we pay. The hours developing these figures and talent behind them is amazing! $150 for something that literally looks like a little man is more than fair IMO. If it was 100% perfect and handmade then it would cost over a grand!

The Marvel Legends Icons Spidey sells for about $75 right now and its just a typical highly mass produced action figure. Just imagine what this bad boy will fetch in a couple years!
Yeah, I knew I shouldn't have checked out this thread. Looks like I'll be looking to pick one up at Fan Expo next week, heh.