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I wasn't trying to raise your blood pressure or make you leave this thread. I just thought it was funny to see you telling someone to read more when your sentence was lacking the proper conjugation of the verb. Irony. Get it?

Insert laugh and deflation of argument here.

Fair enough.

You're a waste of a poster.

And you're a waste of a person.
back on topic

that's a pretty sick custom with the earth magnets. Nice work!!

Thanks bro. I've shown it here a few times and on other threads but it never gets old. I love being able to hang spidey from my curtain rods.

I remembered the 70's toy that had really strong magnets on the hands and feet I think. Or was it the hands and knees. Not sure but I always loved how cool that was to be able to attach him to anything metal. A fence, a car, a bike to name a few.
You may know Alex from such workshops as, "How to be as awesome as Alex Logan" and "How to make my opinion more like Alex Logan's opinion" and "Buying expensive man-dolls - the wrong way and the Alex Logan way".



Surly her nipples have been photoshopped out. :eek:

They are not statues.

Play with them.


Sure play with them. In a very short time they will break and you'll be out all that money. Have fun. :clap:clap:clap

Personally, I don't like wasting 200.00+ on a figure just to be out my money. If I wanted to "play" with a figure I would go buy some from Wal-Mart for 5.00.

What a load of BS. None of those customs posted are 'broke'. And the customizer isn't "out all that money" for making his figures the way he wants them to be.

You know what I meant. So I missed a word because I was typing fast, who doesn't? It takes a real man to point out something as silly as that on the internet. Good for you, now go teach grammer in a public school system and make no money. No money = no Hot Toys for you to destroy.

This is my favorite thing about message boards. One person gives his opinion, which just happens to be the a minority opinion, and the rest of the lot spends the next thirty pages tearing him down. That's ten kinds of awesome. Give yourselves a hand.


I love how I can't tell people what do with their money, even though I never did, but yet you can tell me what to do with my money. That's balanced. I've had enough of this pissing match. Go destory all the figures you want.

It's the sentiment in bold that is getting you in trouble. If the customizer thought he was destroying his figure he wouldn't have done it. To suggest the figure is 'destroyed' is offensive. Period.

Funny right?

:Surly her nipples have been photoshopped out. :eek:


Just as my opinon is not shared by everyone here, you need to remeber that yours is not either.

:What a load of BS. None of those customs posted are 'broke'. And the customizer isn't "out all that money" for making his figures the way he wants them to be.

You missed the boat on this one friend. I never said his customs were broke and I never said he was out all that money. My statement was applied to people wanting to "play" with their figures. And, as many photos here prove, you play with them, they break and you're out all that money. So I guess I was right huh?

:It's the sentiment in bold that is getting you in trouble. If the customizer thought he was destroying his figure he wouldn't have done it. To suggest the figure is 'destroyed' is offensive. Period.

Considering that was the last post I made about the subject, it's not "what got me in trouble." And for the record I'm not in any trouble.

The guy customized his figure, he got what he wanted. If he's happy good for him. On the other hand what he did to that figure is offensive to me. Period. He changed a great figure into bad figure from a bastard storyline that doesn't even make sense. And I'm not the only one who thinks that by the way. I showed that picture to more then ten collectors and the ALL of them said that same thing I did.

I THINK it was a waste of money. See that word? THINK. It's my opinon and there's nothing wrong with it. Some of you people need to get it though your thick heads that your opinons are not the only ones that matter.

The funny part about all this is that guy hasn't said a word about my comment. He could careless how I feel because he's happy and that's the way is should be. It's all you guys who want to set me on fire.
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just because you're allowed to have your own opinion doesnt mean you should share it the way you did...I think that's the issue here really and you obviously dont get it
just because you're allowed to have your own opinion doesnt mean you should share it the way you did...I think that's the issue here really and you obviously dont get it

No, I get it. I think it's you guys who don't get it. I also think some people are a little too sensitive.
You missed the boat on this one friend. I never said his customs were broke and I never said he was out all that money. My statement was applied to people wanting to "play" with their figures. And, as many photos here prove, you play with them, they break and you're out all that money. So I guess I was right huh?

WTH are you talking about? First of all, how do you define "playing"? Posing them? Often that's all it has taken for them to break. Rarely have I seen an experienced customizer express regret about a figure that he "broke" during a modification. They know the risks and okay with it. It's how they enjoy their figures. Go look through Elvis1976's thread. Everything in there is modified and customized. And everything in there is brilliant.

Considering that was the last post I made about the subject, it's not "what got me in trouble."

I chose the word "sentiment" for a reason. Your first post on the subject had that sentiment:

Wow... now that's a waste of money. :thud:

i.e. 'you took a bunch of expensive figures and made them worthless/destroyed them.' That was your sentiment from the start. The post I quoted just solidified the sentiment.

And for the record I'm not in any trouble.

You know what I mean. It's why people are reacting.

The guy customized his figure, he got what he wanted. If he's happy good for him. On the other hand what he did to that figure is offensive to me. Period. He changed a great figure into bad figure from a bastard storyline that doesn't even make sense. And I'm not the only one who thinks that by the way. I showed that picture to more then ten collectors and the ALL of them said that same thing I did.

Offensive to you? Really? Than you're taking this stuff way too seriously. Apparently he likes the storyline. And he excecuted the representations very well.

I THINK it was a waste of money. See that word? THINK. It's my opinon and there's nothing wrong with it. Some of you people need to get it though your thick heads that your opinons are not the only ones that matter.

Of course we can all have an opinion. But you attacked someones hard work based on your personal preferences. Why not just say, "It's not my kind of thing, and I would never modify a figure that much, but I have to admit it is well done." Or even just a post with the ":horror" emoticon would have been fine.

The funny part about all this is that guy hasn't said a word about my comment. He could careless how I feel because he's happy and that's the way is should be. It's all you guys who want to set me on fire.

Guess you missed this post then:

Wow... now that's a waste of money. :thud:

That comment is EXACTLY why I rarely post anything.

Is that really the effect you want to have on people? Make it so that they don't want to share their passion and creativity with the community they belong with? Sure you could make the argument that people are too sensitive, but you could try a little harder to be aware of how your posts are gonna effect people.
Customizing figures is only a waste of money if your bad at customizing a thus ruin a perfectly good figure, but that is not the case here with The_Darkness_Predator.
WTH are you talking about? First of all, how do you define "playing"? Posing them? Often that's all it has taken for them to break. Rarely have I seen an experienced customizer express regret about a figure that he "broke" during a modification. They know the risks and okay with it. It's how they enjoy their figures. Go look through Elvis1976's thread. Everything in there is modified and customized. And everything in there is brilliant.

No, I would not define posing as "playing' with them, but I guess it depends on how often you're posing though. Personally, I find a pose I like on the web, pose my figure and put him in a case. Then I admire each figure and dust them. That's it. That's how I enjoy my figures. Am I wasting my money? I'm sure many people here would say I am, but you know what? I don't care because I'm happy. The same should apply in any other case, but I guess it doesn't because I have be held to higher standard then the rest.

If people want to spend 150.00 to 200.00 on figure and then "customize" it that's their business. It's not what I would do, but if they are happy then great. On the other hand, if someone like myself thinks such things are a waste of money then they should be allowed to say so. If people can't speak their mind then what's the purpose of this place?

I chose the word "sentiment" for a reason. Your first post on the subject had that sentiment:

i.e. 'you took a bunch of expensive figures and made them worthless/destroyed them.' That was your sentiment from the start. The post I quoted just solidified the sentiment.

You know what I mean. It's why people are reacting.

Yes, that's true. And that is how I feel.

Offensive to you? Really? Than you're taking this stuff way too seriously. Apparently he likes the storyline. And he excecuted the representations very well.

Oh, okay. So when I'm offended I'm taking this stuff too serious, but when I offend someone else with a comment they're reaction is understood. I'm starting to see a double standard here.

Of course we can all have an opinion. But you attacked someones hard work based on your personal preferences. Why not just say, "It's not my kind of thing, and I would never modify a figure that much, but I have to admit it is well done." Or even just a post with the ":horror" emoticon would have been fine.

Sure it was a well done custom, but now I have to "babe" people? Are we in grade school? That's the problem with the world today. No can one be honest without someone getting their feelings hurt.

Guess you missed this post then:

Is that really the effect you want to have on people? Make it so that they don't want to share their passion and creativity with the community they belong with? Sure you could make the argument that people are too sensitive, but you could try a little harder to be aware of how your posts are gonna effect people.

Yes, I did miss that post. Honestly, this is my bad. I'll send the guy a PM with my apologies. Believe me I'm very aware of my actions or posts in this case and how they effect other people. And no, that's not the effect I want to have. If only a lot of others here felt the same.
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@ Alex Logan: Glad you sent a PM to The_Darkness_Predator. I have nothing else to add.
So, just how restricted are the ankles on Spider-Man? Are we expecting any improvements in that area with the black suit version?