Hot Toys - MMS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

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This is a purchase for the fans only. This is not a figure that is going to attract anyone on the basis of its price, its awesome quality or the abundance of accessories.
I agree that the figure is lacking in some respects, but I don't think it is for serious Spidey or Spidey movie fans only. Spiderman is the poster boy for Marvel comics. This is going to be the best Spiderman action figure ever made (up to this point). Therefore, everyone and his uncle that collects high end comic figures, or high end pop culture collectibles is gonna be buying. This should rival the popularity of any Hot Toys figure out there apart from Batman and Joker, IMO (Superman came out before Hot Toys really hit its creative and commercial stride, which is the only reason I don't think the 2-in-1 figure isn't included in this discussion). I figure they'll produce the ____ out of these, but that they will still sell out easily and quickly. pics








Wow, this is the first it's actually looked kind of good to me...

still think the thighs are a weird shape though...
LOL@ people worried about poses. This will be 5X better than the medi figure, and there were no problems with poses on those! (Those medi boots were pretty damn stiff as well. MOST of you are gonna be more than happy)

I miss Edwint (his pics)










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I agree that the figure is lacking in some respects, but I don't think it is for serious Spidey or Spidey movie fans only. Spiderman is the poster boy for Marvel comics. This is going to be the best Spiderman action figure ever made (up to this point). Therefore, everyone and his uncle that collects high end comic figures, or high end pop culture collectibles is gonna be buying. This should rival the popularity of any Hot Toys figure out there apart from Batman and Joker, IMO (Superman came out before Hot Toys really hit its creative and commercial stride, which is the only reason I don't think the 2-in-1 figure isn't included in this discussion). I figure they'll produce the ____ out of these, but that they will still sell out easily and quickly.

Yeah, you're right - I'm not a serious fan, but still feel that Spidey is iconic so he's a must-buy for me. And plenty of people will pick him up - but my point really was that the figure on its own is not good enough to win over the non-fans. People will buy him because he's Spiderman, not because its a great figure. For example I thought 300 was a ridiculous movie and I didn't even stay to watch the last 100 minutes of it - but King Leonidas was such an awesome figure I picked
him up regardless and he's one of my favourite figures.

I guess I'm bummed because Spidey is a must-buy for me, so I have to put up with shortcomings that in any other figure I'd just pass on. But there's plenty of time before its released, so the jury is well and truly out :)
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It seems that there's an aspect of the Spider-Man character that both Medicom and Hot Toys fail to grasp:

Ankle articulation = very important.
I agree, the one thing that spiderman should have. He is not flat footed. He tip toes and leep.
It seems that there's an aspect of the Spider-Man character that both Medicom and Hot Toys fail to grasp:

Ankle articulation = very important.

Didn't bother me on any SM figure i've owned, but to each his own. It would be nice of course, but if that's the figures major flaw, i can live with it and then some. (But i also think the Medicom versions are pretty good, just that HT's will be better)

(I expect the boots to be soft like the medi's)

Wow those are some great poses!!

Those are some really great poses HT's version shouldn't have any problem to do these poses.

Shouldn't and won't.

I would love to see the HT version posed like this. Would look AMAZING!

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I'm a bit surprised by your reaction to this. Certainly you'd rather have ankle articulation than not have it. I don't own a whole lot of Spidey stuff, but of the toys, all of them have good ankle movement. I think it's a necessity for this character.

I like the poses in the Edwint shots you posted onthe previous page.. The HT figure should pose just as well, if not better. However, it's easy to notice that in the shots you posted almost all of those shots are aerial poses. The lone shot in which he's on the ground looks awkward. And why is that? Pretty easy answer.

For this figure, HT didn't provide us with a display stand suitable for airborne poses (another huge oversight), so most collectors will opt for a grounded pose. The lack of ankle artic severely limits options in that regard. Check out HT's official pics on the front page. Notice anything about the grounded poses? None of the standing poses are of a wide stance, and the ones that almost are have one foot lifted and balanced on its toe. not acceptable, in my book. Medicom might have messed it up for their SM3 figures, but their Comic Spidey figure did it right. Man, that was a great figure.
I'm a bit surprised by your reaction to this. Certainly you'd rather have ankle articulation than not have it.

Sure i would. I'm just not THAT bothered by it is all.

I like the poses in the Edwint shots you posted onthe previous page.. The HT figure should pose just as well, if not better.

And that's all i'm really concerned about.

Well, you should be concerned, I suppose, because HT didn't even include what is needed for those aerial poses. :lol

It'd be easy enough to buy a stand for those purposes, but the point is that you shouldn't have to.
I'm a bit surprised by your reaction to this. Certainly you'd rather have ankle articulation than not have it. I don't own a whole lot of Spidey stuff, but of the toys, all of them have good ankle movement. I think it's a necessity for this character.

I like the poses in the Edwint shots you posted onthe previous page.. The HT figure should pose just as well, if not better. However, it's easy to notice that in the shots you posted almost all of those shots are aerial poses. The lone shot in which he's on the ground looks awkward. And why is that? Pretty easy answer.

For this figure, HT didn't provide us with a display stand suitable for airborne poses (another huge oversight), so most collectors will opt for a grounded pose. The lack of ankle artic severely limits options in that regard. Check out HT's official pics on the front page. Notice anything about the grounded poses? None of the standing poses are of a wide stance, and the ones that almost are have one foot lifted and balanced on its toe. not acceptable, in my book. Medicom might have messed it up for their SM3 figures, but their Comic Spidey figure did it right. Man, that was a great figure.

i agree with you on everything
Hot Toys, make the changes!