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Really hating the neck seam, that needs to be on the back of the neck at least. Gonna pre and cross my fingers they work on a few of the major gripes people have.
I would assume (or at least hope) that the seam issues will be fixed by production. It is clear this guy is going to be sewn into his suit and that it won't be removable. So there is no reason for issues about things lining up to occur. This is exactly why he didn't come with a Parker head.
I wonder how they handled the seam issues in 1/1. I mean I don't see any seams in any of the Spidey movie. Did they CGI'ed the seams?
I wonder how they handled the seam issues in 1/1. I mean I don't see any seams in any of the Spidey movie. Did they CGI'ed the seams?

well, MOST of the time, Hollywood would have 2 or three of these costumes. For example, one that has a huge ugly seam in the back that is only shot from the front for close-ups.
I cannot believe this figure is finally being made. I feel like i've been waiting an eternity to see it...while i've been stuck with those crusty-half articulated ones from medicoms Spiderman 3 line.
does anybody having the animated gifs for the "so good" pie with the wink and the emo dance pete after he buys his new outfit? i'm pretty sure they were posted earlier in this thread but i can't find them. :(
does anybody having the animated gifs for the "so good" pie with the wink and the emo dance pete after he buys his new outfit? i'm pretty sure they were posted earlier in this thread but i can't find them. :(


And they don't need to be posted again.

Plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayed out.
does anybody having the animated gifs for the "so good" pie with the wink and the emo dance pete after he buys his new outfit? i'm pretty sure they were posted earlier in this thread but i can't find them. :(

I like those two gifs, but this one has replaced them both in my world.

guys i know you on the negative side will po this anyway that's why you're checkingt this thread... and because it's spidey we're talking we'll just wait and see.... hahahaha!we should make a list of people who will not make this and see if someone signed in huh
