Hot Toys -MMS167 - Captain America: The First Avenger: Red Skull Figure

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Well that's a shame. Looks like a cheap knock-off by comparison. I've also noticed it has a very cheap plastic sheen to it even when photographed by the guys whose photos are usually fantastic. The skull sculpt looks pretty good though.

Try this comparison. May not look so much like a cheap knock-off

tried to make a fairer comparison than the one before. still think the final looks better than the proto

mine arrived....

What a mixed bag of a release.

The head sculpt looks a lot better inhand. The neck joint is a nightmare to change and the coat is almost impossible to get on over the uniform.
I bought 2, both the same, uniform/suit a bit better on one. So far I've had tweezers, pliers and superglue out.


Not recommended.
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...And very odd loose joints. One of mine had the "one leg longer than the other" Batman syndrome, which I think I've fixed. One had a disconnected elbow joint. Not sure what bodies these are, but they feel very cheap. Their is a fabric body under suit which is strange?
What HK seller do you use out of interest Rory?

One this I used Timcent, who is great. I use a few different sellers, depending on release.

Well I finally got this looking good, man it's difficult to get that coat on properly. The uniform underneath is quite puffy, and the inner sleeves of the coat have seams and obstructions. I taped together the cuffs and fed it through with tweezers, Looks pretty tight and form fitting now.

The Weaving sculpt looks way more like the proto inhand, but still a bit plasticy, not as good IMO, but better than I thought it was. The paint app just isn't sophisticated enough.
My favorite bit? The bloody cube!

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this figure release is a bit layered up/lots of clothing get up. they had to put on that puffy chest piece over the slim body to bulk up a bit. if it was a TTA, it would be a nightmare to futz. lolz
He does look pretty cool, but jesus guys, the coat was a friggin nightmare.
It's never coming off again!

Oh man Rory....the coat look is what I want. Sounds like I'm in for a few hours of torture trying to get it on the figure properly. Yeah Hot Toys!
Oh man Rory....the coat look is what I want. Sounds like I'm in for a few hours of torture trying to get it on the figure properly. Yeah Hot Toys!

Hey man, hopefully it was just mine, but I doubt it. I worked out a good technique for doing it though, so if you run into any trouble let me know.

It looks great when its on! Took me about 45 minutes!
I'm also 100% looking to display it with the coat.. I hate dressing these figures up lol. Like with the RE figs, those buckles and putting the pouches on their belts etc...urghh.. stressing.