Hot Toys -MMS167 - Captain America: The First Avenger: Red Skull Figure

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Yeah thats the next step I'm going with. Do any stores carry synthetic dyes? I really dislike ordering things online without being able to read the labels and stuff before hand. Only thing I'm aware of dye wise in stores is Rit and that clearly didn't work. Might have to hit Hobby Lobby tomorrow instead of Michaels.

anybody tried the commander's coat on schmidt?

I already put on him, not bad at all, looks like the norway tumb version.

Tonight some pics.

My only issue with this figure is that the Hugo sculpt is too damn good not to be on display! I would change it more if the coat's belt wasn't difficult.

Tip for getting the coat on - use the plastic in the box, wrap around the arm and then slide it in. If you have Abigail Whistler it's doing something similar to what's under her arm guard. Once it's through you should be able to slide and pull the plastic out to wrap around the other arm to repeat.
Yeah thats the next step I'm going with. Do any stores carry synthetic dyes? I really dislike ordering things online without being able to read the labels and stuff before hand. Only thing I'm aware of dye wise in stores is Rit and that clearly didn't work. Might have to hit Hobby Lobby tomorrow instead of Michaels.

**** Blick's if you have one. I have mine in the vat as we speak. Ill see how it all plays out and post my results.

My only issue with this figure is that the Hugo sculpt is too damn good not to be on display! I would change it more if the coat's belt wasn't difficult.

Tip for getting the coat on - use the plastic in the box, wrap around the arm and then slide it in. If you have Abigail Whistler it's doing something similar to what's under her arm guard. Once it's through you should be able to slide and pull the plastic out to wrap around the other arm to repeat.

Great tip RAZA, thank you :1-1:
Oh man!!! I shoulda thought of that. It's exactly how you get aftermarket, custom leather seats to fit right! D'OH!!!

Tip for getting the coat on - use the plastic in the box, wrap around the arm and then slide it in. If you have Abigail Whistler it's doing something similar to what's under her arm guard. Once it's through you should be able to slide and pull the plastic out to wrap around the other arm to repeat.
Looks like UT is Blick free. Can't wait to see your results. If it works, you gotta let us know the secret :D

Well Im a jackass and picked up the wrong dye. When I was searching for the right stuff for you, I saw that I had the wrong one. :slap

Im going back to blicks tomorrow and get the right dye and try again. But I finished him out and even though its not right, its better. Took some color but lost the green when I dyed over it with black.

Well its in the vat now. I have a feeling becuase the dye is for syntheics, that there will be coloring of the red areas too. Good thing I have a back up uniform on the way from ToyAnxiety.

In an hour I will know if it ruined or not. :dunno
Ok I now know. DO NOT USE iDye Poly. Will dye everything, even the buttons!!!

Color looks good. Im thinking after it dries that Im going come back in and paint in the red line work and see if I can do something about the buttons.

Straight out of the dryer. Needs some more work but I definitely like it better then the grey. No question. Makes his red head pop.

Started painting the outline and I dont like it. Looks much better the black. Also painted the buttons silver to match the other hardware.

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