Fair enough. I have removed the pics.
I've also just ordered this guy!
Along with my newly ordered Hulk they're gonna look so awesome with Loki and FA cap
I think I'm gonna want to display the Hugo Weaving HS with the ALT uniform at the same time, does anybody know what type,of TrueType body I'd need and what other things I'd need to display them both together
...I shouldn't be allowed to use my ipad after a few drinksI spend too much money
You can just get any body. You'll need a spare pair of jackboots, but Collectable Kitbash will have what you need.
Doesn't sound like it'll be too expensive to do that then?![]()
Awesome I'll have a little look later, thanks Bar.
Doesn't sound like it'll be too expensive to do that then?![]()
Thanks for the links Bar, very helpful.
So my thinking is there's no need to buy a second grey tunic outfit as that is taken off from the original body & put onto the new body. The Big coat is then put on the original body without the tunic underneath, is that correct? Would that look ok?...am I thinking about this too much
Or that whole process but switched around![]()
Right gotcha!
That's excellent, an extra bonus figure for about £20, that's pretty cool. I will definitely be doing that.
One last question: Do the heads & boots fit ok onto the new bodies without any mods?
If you get the boots and body i posted above, the feet of the figure will fit right in the boots. All i would do is change out the RS neck joint on the bottom of the sculpt for the one on the body i linked to.
To do that, put your RS head in a cup of boiling water for a couple of minutes, then drain the water, dry the head quickly, and pop it on the neck adaptor from that body. When it cools down it will be solid again. That's how you easily change out those neck adaptors.
Thats great, thanks for all the advice. Love all these tricks of the trade![]()
You will pick them all up and be crafting customs yourself before you know it!
I hope so bud, but I'm patient and I know it all takes time & experience & practise that's what's great about this forum...all the knowledge you guys have.
I'm gonna wait till I get the fig before I order the parts I need, should have it late next week & it looks like my hulk will be arriving on Monday now
I would love to get a german hat for the red skull, are they easy to come by?
I would love to get a german hat for the red skull, are they easy to come by?
FANTASTIC STUFF! Think I might have to acquire one of those![]()