It is the DX13 base, just though it would look with an industrial/metal stand - I'm pretty happy with how it looks.^^^^ The one on the page before this? I think that's the DX13 base since it has lights. Bane base didn't have LEDs.
I'm using the Barnes body with HT normal neck connecter (not the RS one) as I think he'd look too thin and short with a slim TT body. So I just used the hot water in the cup mod to take the inner ring of the neck as advised earlier in this threadquick question for those of you that bashed the SS uniform. Did you guys just use the Red Skull body or did you guys use a generic body? I used a cheap true type narrow shoulder knockoff body off ebay, but the RS neck doesn't fit. Can anyone help me out?
I finally got mine. I have a problem though. The Hugo Weaving head wasn't attached. It looks like the ring inside the head got stuck on the ball and I had to pry it off in order to get the red skull head on. I can't get the red skull head on though. It's going to take some major force to get it on that ball and it feels like I'm going to break something trying to force the head on.
Any ideas on what I can do?
What's the problem with the coat?^^^ Hahaha, I'm having a hard time with the coat on mine too, lol
What's the problem with the coat?
For me it was just very tight over the uniform. Takes a lot of finagling to get it just right.
Finagling is a word that i don't hear enough these days. Would you like me to tell you the secret to hassle free putting the coat on?
You remove the uniform tunic, and put THAT in the coat first. Then put them both on the figure at the same time.
No finagling required.
I thought about that but the belt on the tunic had me scratching my head. I couldn't figure out how to get that off. The instructions also specifically tell you not to try and remove the tunic belt. I said screw it and just worked the coat until I was satisfied with the fit.