Gonna have to strong disagree there.
Anyways, lately I've noticed you have a lot of problems with figures that i just don't see or am not bothered by in the least. I'll wait for better pics to surface to judge this one.
Each to their own man. I really like the Star Wars DX set, which is why I ended up getting a couple of them. Personally I don't understand why it has to be so black or white, I love it, I hate it. I think the pro's outweigh the cons with Luke. But I can still be objective enough to say that the likeness isn't as good as it should be on Luke and the BD sculpt has horrible horrible PERS (The EX Vader head with painted eyes shows how good the eyes should be). And IMHO it DOES look like those first leaked pics, sure you can take a better picture of it to try and hide it's faults (as I have done many times myself), but it's still the same toy!
There seems to be a mini mental clique on SSF, which drums out the same response every time. "wait for OMG's pics", "remember the Luke fiasco", "this will look much better in hand" etc etc ad nauseum.
I don't agree with this mentality. As I find it's very rarely accurate. Or perhaps some people really can't see the wood for the trees sometimes. A photo of something is a photo of something, to really see the reality of an object, the more raw and real the quality the better. "Good" pictures hide flaws and accentuate the positive. OMG for example (I love his pics and await his reviews like everyone else) but I also know that he has an elaborate studio set-up, profession lights and photoshop retouching on all his pics. Unless you have that at home, it's not what's going to be sitting in your detolf. A crappy iphone pic at a strange angle with dodgy lighting is probably the most accurate way to show the reality of a set.
The only figure I've had a real issue with recently was Star Spangled Captain America, because the body was just very very poor. I opened the box and went "****" thats crap. As bad if not worse than some of EB's **** ups. That's a new thing for HT, in my experience anyway. Just because I acknowledge these faults doesn't mean that I hate the figure or won't buy it. I don't subscribe to the notion that if you buy something it must be perfect, and any suggestion otherwise will not be tolerated. I try to be honest and frank in my opinions on figures. The QS001 Batman for example, some good, some great some downright horrible aspects to the release.
What some freaks tend to do is jump on the negative, and ignore the positive things I point out. Just because these things are so expensive. That's not a healthy attitude to collecting. NOTHING is perfect. Ever.
Why can't we just acknowledge that? and also try to be respectful to each others opinions? One persons problem is not even noticed by another collector. That's just the way it is. What I have never done is try to enforce my view on anyone else or knock anyone else for feeling the polar opposite. Because i don't think thats cool, and this is supposed to be fun after all.
And regarding Spidey..

I'm still holding back full judgement, not because I need to see better pics of the Garfield head sculpt, I know I hate it already, but I need to see the masked head properly on that body and see if it's possible to futz those shoulders better.
This could still look like a great Spidey on display. Just not as a Garfield version.