So the guys that broke theirs were probably using the arm as the wrench(gripping arm) and not the shoulder itself?
Luke is on a standard slim.... the pic below is a DX sparrow body should be the same:
Spidey has broader shoulders... as describe in the Thread I posted^
Hey where are your spidey pics! I must've missed them
Spidey minus the head.....
Height looks good to me. Thanks!
.....My Black Spidey will arrive tomorrow and the Garfield head is going straight on it.
I tried it a couple of days ago, the Garfield sculpt looks quiet small on the black Toby body I'm afraid. Well, I think so anyway. Look forward to your thoughts.
Okay fellow freaks this is worked for me..
When people think of this piece they think Uhhh..The Shoulders!
Why HTS..WHY!!!!
The first thing I thought there is got to be way, no way would HTs screw up this! I decided to hold it in my hands and see just what kind of shoulders am I dealing with then it came to me..You know what this is the shoulder system of the DX Luke!
So this what I did,
what you want to do is use your fingers like a makeshift wrench.
Every movement you make grip the shoulders carefully and apply pressure as you turn the joint, you will feel the movement almost like when you move a wrench to tighten or untighten, in a way you can feel your fingers move like a wrench. As you turn the shoulders grip and release the pressure, that's how you feel the joint moving with the suit's fabric
See..upward movement no harm
Wow Ma Look what I did!
Same with the sides
Look at this extension..
Guess what once this process works for you, you can easily do this movement
And this
What's left..Well...
See nothing to it!
My thoughts..this is a solid figure absolutely, everything feels solid with no loose joints or even a plastic feeling to it. I feel it has a heaviness to it which is a good thing, but you can still pose him in the craziest positions IMO without a sense that he's going to keel over or feel loose like some TT bodies in the past.
Every pose I attempted have held out well, the boots have a nice weight to it.
I'll say it again I love the shoulders because it gives more depth and range to the articulation flow of a human. Believe it or not I like the wrist pegs and I usually hate the HTs wrist pegs, but the soft vinyl material on these gloves are perfect for popping on and off. I hated switching the hands on the Toby figure, not so with this. Kudos to Ht's for fixing this issue.
One thing that needs to be perfected is the neck movement. the head joint is fine but the neck pegs have no tilt or movement whatsoever, meaning you can only tilt the head so much, if HT's does the ASM2 version, they need to adjust the neck so it at least pivots or tilts.
Other than that, I can't say enough of how great a piece this is to add your collection.
For a spidey, I think as a whole it's fantastic, Height is not an issue for me, he's spidey not Superman after all, I'll look into JediJim's mod idea but for now no worries.
The only mark that doesn't make this my favorite Spidey is the source..Not a fan of Garfield, and probably won't be. The film itself is great, but not one of my all time favorites.