Hot Toys - MMS179 - The Amazing Spider-Man: Spider-Man

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Yeah, it is the same as the DX Luke, and also the Last Joker.
I pointed that out quite a while back. As Guyver has shown perfectly here, it's just about being careful with the joints and creating poses in stages. Not compound moves which strain the shoulder bracket. It's really no different than previous TT bodies, just that people would be inclined to move a joint up and out at the same time, because it's Spidey.
That would only be possible if the shoulders were ball jointed.

All it needs is careful gentle handling, I would recommend anyone not overly familiar with TT bodies to look at the shoulders of a nude one and get an understanding of what's underneath the red and blue vinyl costume.
Damn!! :( :lol

Guess I'll see what it looks like tomorrow. Maybe in different poses the head wouldn't look too small for the body? It's not a issue really as I like Black Spidey anyway, just thought it'd be a way of displaying the AG head.

It would probably look ok from some angles, just a little odd in reality, if you know what I mean?
Quoting for me own reference again

Hey Tommy, I might want to add when you try my methods you might also want to note to hold the shoulder blade piece as well when you are gripping and moving the round ball of the shoulder joint. Bandito posted a fantastic diagram a few pages back of what I'm referring too.

I agree with Rory, not to fond of how the AG sculpt looks on the Black Suit, but the Toby sculpt doesn't look too bad on the ASM body, just a little skinny.

Give it a more Raimi look
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I got two of these coming, can not wait looks like a awesome figure. I must say, this seems like a good figure for Hot Toys to send a training video tutorial on how to pose and not break the shoulders. I guess that would have cost money that they need for development of the next Iron Man figure
This looks really awesome. Wouldnt it be relatively easy to make a black spidey? Could you just dye the whole figure with the suit on or would the dye really gum up all of the joints?

Had a play about with a couple of my pics to make it look like he's wearing a black ASM suit.
I really like the look of him having a black suit. My Black Spidey will arrive tomorrow and the Garfield head is going straight on it.


This looks really awesome. Wouldnt it be relatively easy to make a black spidey? Could you just dye the whole figure with the suit on or would the dye really gum up all of the joints?

Normal dye wouldn't work on this suit. Too much vinyl and plastic printing. Some Rit dyes color plastic as well as fabric, but it's pot luck really as to the result. To get it that black you would have to spray paint it. That would look great but would probably crack. Even acrylic. :(
Hope if they reintroduce a black costume into ASM that they stick to the comics look. I'd love a 1:6 representation of the costume as introduced in Secret Wars. That white and black design would be really striking on the shelf. Wonder if the black costume/Venom is something they're considering. Guessing ASM3 has got to be Goblin.
I've used automotive interior spray paint when I've painted some figures that had rubber on it and it worked great. I think it's meant to go on something that isn't so rigid and is more flexible. I wonder if that would work.

C'mon guys..let me join the need me!..What do you say?..C'mon how about a High Five..UP TOP!
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