Hot Toys - MMS179 - The Amazing Spider-Man: Spider-Man

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Spent some time looking at different parts for a Peter custom. I'll need to wait for a while. I don't really have the money to put into a custom right now. :( Oh well.

Were you gathering together an idea for costs?

I'm still in the dark about that one.
I'm in the UK so what's available here will vary a bit from what's available in the US. I realize international shipping is an option, but that's just an extra cost, ya know? But I was looking around on eBay and different 1/6 custom sites...a quality body can be found for 15-20 pounds (about $25-30), I was unable to find the jeans recommended for less than 25 pounds ($30-35), same with the blue hoodie, the green jacket was around the same...didn't bother looking into hands, socks or shoes, or a bag and camera. With the small bits I was looking at, it was looking like 65-80 pounds already which would probably be about 90 to 140 dollars or so.

Maybe I'm not looking in the right places. I don't really make custom figures...I've made one before; a Cobb from Inception. He was pretty cheap considering all I needed was a body, head, gun, and suit (and all the pieces for the suit came in a set together).

It's just wishful thinking for me right now. I've spent way too much money on figures lately, to the point where I'm starting to feel guilty about it. I know I'm getting some for Christmas, as well, and my husband recently spoiled me by buying me a bunch of TMNT figures. The Peter kitbash isn't so expensive that I'll never do it, but right now, with the places I was looking at, it's just too much for me right now. And I'm really impatient with things like this...I wouldn't want to buy just a couple pieces now, then buy a piece next month, and so on. I wanna buy it all in one go!
I'm in the UK so what's available here will vary a bit from what's available in the US. I realize international shipping is an option, but that's just an extra cost, ya know? But I was looking around on eBay and different 1/6 custom sites...a quality body can be found for 15-20 pounds (about $25-30), I was unable to find the jeans recommended for less than 25 pounds ($30-35), same with the blue hoodie, the green jacket was around the same...didn't bother looking into hands, socks or shoes, or a bag and camera. With the small bits I was looking at, it was looking like 65-80 pounds already which would probably be about 90 to 140 dollars or so.

Maybe I'm not looking in the right places. I don't really make custom figures...I've made one before; a Cobb from Inception. He was pretty cheap considering all I needed was a body, head, gun, and suit (and all the pieces for the suit came in a set together).

It's just wishful thinking for me right now. I've spent way too much money on figures lately, to the point where I'm starting to feel guilty about it. I know I'm getting some for Christmas, as well, and my husband recently spoiled me by buying me a bunch of TMNT figures. The Peter kitbash isn't so expensive that I'll never do it, but right now, with the places I was looking at, it's just too much for me right now. And I'm really impatient with things like this...I wouldn't want to buy just a couple pieces now, then buy a piece next month, and so on. I wanna buy it all in one go!

I hear you there. Not only that, but you have to deal with customs, which adds up quick I'm sure.

One of things that always bother me is will HTs end of producing something like this? And honestly, with the rate of stuff that they're putting out, there's no telling. One day an announcement pops up and *poof* there's your Peter Parker (or whoever you just kitbashed.) Kind of scary because then I'll look at mine and think 'meh.' :lol
Yes, but I would not buy a Peter figure from Hot Toys. They are just so expensive. This Spider-Man is my very first Hot Toy, and there are just so few characters currently out there that I can think I'd pay to get. I WAS going to get Enterbay's Django Unchained figure, but that ended up getting canceled...but anyway, I'm getting off topic. 1/6 figures are too damn expensive! Some people get a new one every month. I could never swing that!
Yes, but I would not buy a Peter figure from Hot Toys. They are just so expensive. This Spider-Man is my very first Hot Toy, and there are just so few characters currently out there that I can think I'd pay to get. I WAS going to get Enterbay's Django Unchained figure, but that ended up getting canceled...but anyway, I'm getting off topic. 1/6 figures are too damn expensive! Some people get a new one every month. I could never swing that!

I agree. And the prices just keep going up and up. I have two HTs pieces at the moment. I remain very choosey in what I get. You have to be nowadays.

I remember hearing about the Django thing! That was a big debacle!
I remember hearing about the Django thing! That was a big debacle!

I'm going to say something really pathetic now. Only Judy can judge me, so it's all good. Here it goes.

I have not watched Django Unchained since the Enterbay figures were canceled because I wanted those SO badly, that I'm afraid if I watch it again, it'll just make me angry.

I wish I was good at sculpting. I'd make a Django head and get going on a kitbash. Now THAT is a figure I'd pay good money to make. But, alas, I cannot find a good Jamie Fox/ Django headsculpt anywhere, and something tells me I'd struggle to find clothing that'd make a good custom.

I guess there's some hope, though. Maybe Hot Toys will do an Electro figure, and I could buy an extra head and get someone to repaint it and slap some hair on him. I can dream, can't I?
You got a couch, don't ya?


Ew. My husband's nine year old brother, who is quite possibly the worst human being to ever walk this planet, who is addicted to "Migdonnal" and who plays Grand Theft Auto 5 while standing within arm's length of the television, had that couch. For about a week, before it got lost in the room that is set aside in my mother in law's house for all his crap he throws in there. It's like something out of Hoarders.
Ew. My husband's nine year old brother, who is quite possibly the worst human being to ever walk this planet, who is addicted to "Migdonnal" and who plays Grand Theft Auto 5 while standing within arm's length of the television, had that couch. For about a week, before it got lost in the room that is set aside in my mother in law's house for all his crap he throws in there. It's like something out of Hoarders.

Eh. That sounds less than ideal. :( How do you lose a couch??

I saw an episode of Hoarders for the first time the other day. Crazy stuff. Very sad too.
Ew. My husband's nine year old brother, who is quite possibly the worst human being to ever walk this planet, who is addicted to "Migdonnal" and who plays Grand Theft Auto 5 while standing within arm's length of the television, had that couch. For about a week, before it got lost in the room that is set aside in my mother in law's house for all his crap he throws in there. It's like something out of Hoarders.

What? That's so cute! :monkey4 :lol

That's got to be a tough situation to get yourself out of. Like we were talking about in one of these threads (that are now blurring together). Keep the collection elite. Eliminate the clutter. And you'll be a happy camper!

I was talking about the kid. :lol Clutter :rotfl

Anwyay, I can't wait to see how other Spidey figs will turn out. :panic:
I really think the shoulder issue is not as wide spread as we initially thought.
And the "fixed shoulder" is more of a placebo.
I was talking about the kid. :lol Clutter :rotfl

Anwyay, I can't wait to see how other Spidey figs will turn out. :panic:
I really think the shoulder issue is not as wide spread as we initially thought.
And the "fixed shoulder" is more of a placebo.

Hey, it happens to the best of us! :lol

I hope you're right about the shoulder issue. The less headache, the better. I think it's something to be weary of. It's probably not something you should be posing like a ballerina, but better to err on the side of caution.