Hot Toys - MMS185 - The Avengers: Iron Man MK VII Official Specs & Pics

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Looks good Barry! Now just take a Mark II AUV, fill up the rivets, paint him gold and red, and Lo! Mark III is ready. :)

Great Pics Hologram AI! :clap

This one looks like Papa Monger with the kids! :)
Would you guys consider a regular mk 7 for a mk 3 bd to be a decent trade? I'm giving up the 7.



Fantastic pics!!!

Iron monger has got to be the finest piece HT has EVER, ever, produced.
Fan of IM or not, popular character or not, you really are missing out by not owning this guy.


Really loving this figure. Can't get enough of those repulsor hands!

Also had a little fun adding a HUD to show off the sculpt.





Wonderful pics & collection!!!

I finally opened this and started my own photograghy! Needless to say, this thing is truly amazing! It comes with so much stuff, I'm a little overwhelmed and surprised its not considered a DX! 10/10! :hi5:
Modelzone update UK guys.

Attached is a PDF I got once I e-mailed Delottie directly. Some info for you guys with pre-orders.

Thanks for the the PDF. At least we have an official statement saying that the pre-orders might be cancelled, which personally I think they will!

This could go on for months, so if they don't cancel the preorders, I dont't think we'll get any figures until near Christmas!!
Thanks for the the PDF. At least we have an official statement saying that the pre-orders might be cancelled, which personally I think they will!

This could go on for months, so if they don't cancel the preorders, I dont't think we'll get any figures until near Christmas!!

Well as far as I know loki and wolvie are due towards end of this month, so there is still time for stuff to get sorted. It would still be good practice to secure pre-orders elsewhere just in case. I plan on selling any duplicates I get for the price I had to get my second pre-orders at to recover my costs.
Finally had the time to unbox my first IM fig,, he is great!! cant wait for HULK now!




Finally picked up my Mark VII from FedEx and it's easily the best Iron Man figure that's been released. Details are crisp, articulation is great, and the headsculpt looks a bit better in person than in photos. Unfortunately, when I got him the magnet on the clean face plate fell off immediately. It was an easy thing to glue back on, but that makes 4 out of 5 Iron Man figures that arrived with issues - My Mark II shoulder broke off when the right flap went in, my Mark IV had some red paint bleed into the white box shell (though not visible on the figure) and a weak abdomen, and my Mark V had the left hand stuck to the wrist guard. At least they were all fixable without returning them.